WE ARE MOVING SOON, We will be switcing forum software in the coming days. I am not sure of the exact time and date but sometime this week. I will do my best to make sure the disruption is as little as possible but the site could be down for a good hour for the move. If you want to know about the new forum sofware please visit this Discussion
Get rich quick off play chips
If everyone didn't already know, your able to sell your play chips from pokerstars & have real money to play with in return. However sites give as low as $3-4 per million. There are people out there who claim to buy for higher, but many are simply scammers. Just recently I decided to try a guy out who was selling $1 per 100k. Long behold, he held up his end of the bargain & I've excnaged 2 mill with him since. He has told me he'd be buying alot more, so I'm offering it out to any members here msg me & add him up if your lookin to sell some play chips.
Yup I wanna make 10c/hr lol