CPF Golf/Poker Tournament Trip Report

I'm a little late to the party here with my update but here goes.

Saturday morning 1130am I get my girlfriend to drop me off at 400 & 9 to meet up with CAPT, he arrives and puts his truck into park infront of us and we try and load my clubs into the back but it won't open so he goes to shut the truck off and it won't restart. BEAT 1. After a few minutes of trying to get it going we decide I will head to the club and he'll get towed and get a rental and make it back later.

So the girl and I head off to Mayfield and arrive about 10 minutes before Tee time, I head inside with the passes and the girl in the clubhouse informs me that they must have made a mistake when booking us 2 weeks ago that we could only golf 9 holes and they had to be the Blue 9. Of course I bitched and after a little negotiating we got 18 holes (although the same Blue 9 twice) and they gave us 3 greens fee passes and carts back as compensation. So off we head to the first Tee.

Group 1 consisted of Quimby,Milo,STR82ACE,Wetts
Group 2 consisted of Voodoo,Graham,Compuease and CAPT for the back 9.

First ball off the Tee took a detour into the bushes about 30 yards infront of us. After that we were off to the races. Prop bets followed. Basically when we hit the green I would offer up odds to Graham and Jeff on making their putts with no risk to them (ie. 30 if you sink that graham) mind you there were pretty difficult shots so my risk was minimal LOL. We finish off the first 9 and head to the clubhouse for a 40 minute break with food and beers. The 2nd 9 got interesting as we had a longest drive contest (won by Quimby) and the Closest to the Pin (Somehow won by Milo) mixed in were more prop bets and after we picked up a walker in our group we hit the Green on the 5th hole and Graham yelled out just before I lined up for about a 40ft putt that he was betting 20 I couldn't make it, Jeff joined in for 20 and the walker who considered making it 50 decided on 20 as well. With the wind gusting it reminded me of that Seinfeld episode with George "The sea was angry that day,my friends, like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli". Anyways I lined it up closed my eyes and sank that putt and collected my $60. After that I gave them chances to win back their money, Graham did, but on the last hole where any of the group had to birdie for both Jeff and the walker to get their 20 back the walker missed a 2ft putt sending me celebrating around the green. I later donated that $40 for pizza for the gang LOL.

On to poker, we arrive at STR82ACEs place and everything is set up. My play was about what you would expect from someone that has consumed about 16 beers so far. Early on I raise UTG and get repopped by Jeff, I'm out of positive with AK and flash it as I fold like the early tight nit I am. Jeff flashes the Q (I put him on a big pair) but he says he has AQ although I still doubt it. Later after picking up a couple hands I limp with QQ early looking to trap and a few limp behind including CAPT on the button and the flop comes A 6 8 with 2 hearts, it goes check check around and the Q of hearts peels off on the turn, I check and CAPT bets out 350 into a 500 pot and only I call, again I considered raising but given the stacks I am either committed to his shove if I do or I can check fold the river if he shows more strenght. The river is another heart and I check, he bets 700 I fold and he shows A10 hearts for a turned flush. Just before the omaha round is about to start I am in the BB and since Graham had been raising my blind just about every chance he could get I announced I would shove my stack in to his raise if it came, so he raised to 125 Wetts folded and I shoved 1025 and Graham CALLED with (cough cough) K 5 offsuit. I flipped over A9 and held for the double. A couple hands later Graham shoved his last 450 into the pot and after deliberating for a couple minutes I decided I couldn't fold the powerful J4 offsuit and called. He held as the slight favorite and on we went. My bustout hand was your typical online hand. Folded around to Wetts on the button and he flats, I complete and Quimby checks. I have A8 of spades. Flop is 885 two hearts, I check (WEAK) Quimby bets 100, Wetts calls and I call (even WEAKER) turn is a 7 and I check, Quimby checks and Wetts bets 400 I raise (obviously too late now) allin for 1250 total, Quimby folds and Wetts announcing "I play so bad" before calling with 96 for the turned straight LOL. River bricks and I get what I deserve and am out in 6th. It was a blast and definitely something we should build on for future events. Congrats to the Golf winners and Wetts and Quimby on playing headsup for the cash.


  • One minor quibble: I took the closest to the pin. As it was all I won that day, other than my prop bet with AJ, I demand a correction. :D
  • Fixed LOL
  • Voodoo wrote: »
    Just before the omaha round is about to start I am in the BB and since Graham had been raising my blind just about every chance he could get I announced I would shove my stack in to his raise if it came, so he raised to 125 Wetts folded and I shoved 1025 and Graham CALLED with (cough cough) K 5 offsuit. I flipped over A9 and held for the double.

    In my defence I was told you never looked at your cards ;)

    Nice report Carm!
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