First Annual CPF Golf/Poker Tournament Trip Report

Figured starting a new thread would be the best way.

Got to Mayfield around noonish, figuring to get a bit of putting practice in before the rest showed up and found out how badly I putt, but Milo was already there, and about 5 mins later, Jeff, Graham, and Quimby arrived. Chatted for a bit, we all did a few minutes on the putting green, waiting for the rest to arrive. Got a call from Voodoo, he and CanAmPokerTour had a vehicle malfunction so he had his g/f pick him up and deliver him to the course while CAPT got his car issues under control. Yep, same guy who blew the transmission a couple of weeks back, and JUST got his car back, only to have it breakdown again.

Went into the clubhouse to confirm, only to be told that we should have been notified there was a 100 player shotgun tournament going, and we couldn't play the Red or White 9, only the Blue (NOT my favourite), and if we wanted to do 18 holes, we would have to play a round of 9, then have a 45min to hour wait, to play another round on the same trek. We agreed to it, but Voodoo got us a much better deal for the 'inconvenience' and is planning on discussing the issue again with them in the near future. Regardless, we all agreed it would do for today, so we hopped in the carts and headed to the first hole.

I muffed the first hole drive, and owe Milo a beer, but my mulligan landed on the green so I was okay with that ;) Mind you, I had to settle for par in the end. Oh well...its golf...what can you do?

We played the first round in about 2hrs and headed back to the clubhouse for food and brews and settled on the Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin bets. Back on the Blue links, Hole 4 for longest drive. Its a long Par 5, fairly wide open and straight, but driving into a heavy wind. Quimby wins the Longest drive with 180yds. God that's so sick!

Hole 6 for Closest to the pin, Par 3 at 155yds. I'm first to go in our group and choose a 7 iron and land it about 15yrds behind the pin on the green. Thought I had it in the bag, but Milo steps up and puts it within 12yrds. Damn that guy! Milo scores the Closest to the pin.

Voodoo's group picked up a walker and I guess there was a lot of side betting going on in his group. Last hole, a Par 4 at 320 yrds, and the walker nails his drive 5yrds in front of the green!! There was a bet for birdie that looked like Voodoo was going to lose, but Walker muffed his putting chance for birdie and Voodoo started his Happy Dance! For those who never seen this before, it ain't pretty, but it is funny as hell.

Back to the club house for more beers and bullshit before heading to my place for poker. Everyone agreed to include Omaha High and we alternated the blinds and increased the times a bit (too much I think). UNOFFICIALLY, CAPT busted out early but was allowed one rebuy. No one else needed to rebuy before break so OFFICIALLY, it was Milo who chumped out. I was second to go when my flush got skulled by Graham's lucky river catch boat in Omaha. Third out was Voodoo, who was still craving action, so logged in to a horse race gambling site, and started to pick horses at random, asking everyone what number of horse to win. Darryl randomly went through the deck and picked a King...and yes, we found a horse name of King and placed the bet. Shameful finish for a King I must say.

I started to get VERY tired, and excused myself from the game and went downstairs to 'rest'. Wasn't long before Graham informed me it was now two handed with Darryl and Quimby. They ended up chopping the pot, and the game was over.

Golf scores:
Compuese: 93
Graham: 107
Voodoo: 109 updated!
CAPT: 100 (only played the second round after he arrived, so we just doubled his score)
Quimby: 97
STR82ACE: 99
Wetts1012: 93
Milo: 95

Poker Results:
Wetts/Quimby chop the monies
Third place, not sure who won, prize was 2 Multipasses the course gave us for the 'inconvenience'
Fourth place I believe was Graham, 1 Multipass

Darryl took a bunch of pics and I'm sure he'll post them shortly. The Voodoo version of Hellmuth/Unabomber was priceless!!

Hoping this can turn into an annual event, with next year being bigger and better, maybe even with some sponsorships and more prizes. And hopefully with better results from the host course! do what you do and get us a great deal next year!!!

Had a blast everyone. Hope to see you all again.


  • Sounds like a blast. Not being a golfer, not my bag, but definitely a cool event. I'm willing to toss in some sort of a gift card from my store next year ($25 ok?) for an extra prize.
  • hahaha nice trip report!!. Thanks for hosting the poker event for us. As much as I'd like the 100 score I was 109. (59 and 50)

    I didn't manage to break 100 but I did keep the ball losses to 5. Thanks to Graham,Compuease and that walker for donating $20 each that I couldn't drain that 40ft putt. LOL although I did try and give them more than ample tries at getting it back. It was a hot day out there, thankfully those beers help.

    Thanks to Graham for the additional poker swag he brought out as well as picking up the tab on a bunch of pitchers of beer afterwards which almost makes me feel bad for trying to knock you out of the tournament with J4 offsuit.

    more later.. off to grab my morning egg mcmuffins.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    I'm willing to toss in some sort of a gift card from my store next year ($25 ok?) for an extra prize.

    WE'LL TAKE IT! Sweet, already scoring for next year's game!
  • Had a blast and a bust with the car (Chrysler, meet Voodoo), but over all it was a great experience meeting all of you guy's. I had to pick up the Voo at Hwy # 9 and the 400 and my car that I had just picked up from the shop died, so my apologies to his g/f for the chore of taking him to the game. Thanks. I was lucky enough to get a rental and make the back nine so timing was great after the incident with the car.

    I took a couple of unlucky all in's with the best of it at poker later and the guy's most graciously proposed a re-buy for me and anyone else who needed it until the 2nd level, I was the only rebuy, it was a good TA game. Good game boy's. The third place prize was mine.... more golfing Baby!!!!! Can't wait to do it again next year.
  • This should DEFINITELY become an annual event for the Forum, regardless of how large/small it grows. Thanks to all the donors for some great swag (shirts, hats, trophies, etc.).

    This was my first round of golf in over a year, so I was more than a little pumped to be up a few $$$ before I even teed off. No pressure AJ, right? AJ speaks truth about his Mulligan, though . . . what a shot.
    Front nine went smoothly, with the rowdy trio behind us getting in what turned out to be some ridiculous prop bets. Voodoo brings excitement, apparently . . .
    Seventh hole was the highlight of the day for me. Little left off the tee, leaving an uphill lie, a little more than 200 yards to the green. Flushed a 5-wood to the back of the green, and drained a 25 footer from the fringe for my first ever eagle. Yay me. The fact that I broke 100 was just a bonus after that.
    Last golf comment will be this: How does a skinny dude like Quimby generate the distance off the tee that he does? Holy crap, that dude can crush 'em.

    Poker was never going to be a highlight for me (ask the Ching Hill boys), but I did manage to fluke a boat to a made straight to "bust" the CAPT. I use the scare quotes, because he re-bought (who knew that was possible in a freeze-out :D), and ended up getting most of those chips back in the Omaha portion. Voodoo was gunning for Graham (big time), and vice versa, which led to some, how to put this delicately, . . . "interesting" plays. First out of the door, around 9:30ish, for a good finish to a great day.

    Oh, and AJ? We're squared up bet-wise. The win is satisfying enough . . .
  • I don't golf... at all. Ask hockref about the last time at the driving range and the one that went 10 feet... to the right. But if I connect, it sure can go :). Anyhow, I'm in next year if I can rent/borrow some clubs.
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