Rasar Miny Indy 500 Team Go Kart challenge

Hey guys (and girls), my son is involved with a group called RASAR (Regional Air Support & Rescue). It is a charitable organization that is trying to establish and successfully operate a professional and effective search and rescue air support unit to assist the emergency services and enhance community safety. You may have heard them on multiple radio programs in the past year or two. RASAR has been trying to persuade Metro Toronto and the other cities and communities around Southern Ontario to get on board and support the mission. To date, even though they have a number of large corporate sponsors, Metro Toronto, for various political reasons, has balked at coming on board. In addition Rasars CEO, Trevor Harness, is a client of mine and a friend of one of my sons. If you are interested you can read a lot more about RASAR at their website at

RASAR :: Regional Air Support & Rescue

In any case I have participated in their fundraisers before and always found them to be a blast. This particular one is called the Rasar 500 which is a Go Kart team event held at Indy Go Karts near 401/427. It is an all day affair including morning coffee, racing, buffet dinner, awards, etc. The cost is $99. per person and you need a 4 man team to participate but it is a worthwhile project and I can assure is a great deal of fun.

If anyone is interested. let me know and perhaps we can form a team.

The link to this actual event is RASAR :: Regional Air Support & Rescue :: RASAR 500

The date for this is Sunday September 27th, 10am to 7pm.

I personally vouch for this cause and will also personally guarantee all funds paid. ie no one is making anything from any of this, all profits above the cost of the racing and meal costs are going towards the charity funding.


  • This event (Rasar 500) is a go for this Sunday, Sept 27th at 10am. I believe there are almost 20 teams and I have a 4 member team except one of our guys had to drop out due to personal reasons and I am desperately looking for a replacement. Is there anyone on here who would be interested? It is an all day adventure (10-7) consisting of, an Afternoon of racing, T-Shirt, Full Buffet, Cash Bar, Awards, Door Prizes, Live Auction, etc. I have participated in some of these before and they are a blast. If there is anyone on here (that I know) who would like to fill in this Sunday, please let me know... The cost is $99. but if finances are tight let me know and I'll try to accomodate.... :) I really need a another person......
  • Just to update on this since the response was so underwhelming... lol.. Guess poker and go karting don't attract the same sort of people...

    I found a 4th for my team and we had a blast. If anyone ever has any thoughts on doing this sort of thing in the future I can assure you, it will be remembered for a long time. Although I am somewhat sore from the vibration, bumping and constant turning of that wheel, I sure am glad we entered.

    The day began with safety debriefing, coffee and muffins. There ended up being 14 teams but one of the teams only had 1 member show up. They had 2 heats of 7 teams each (we were in the 2nd heat) who would each race for 1 hour, doing live pit stops to change drivers as often as we wanted. The rule was, each driver had to do a minimum of 2 times. That would mean that each driver would race for 7 1/2 min at a time but be in and out of the Kart twice.
    Avg lap was about 20 sec so each team would do about 170-180 laps if they went the whole hour without crashing. Turns out our team (since my son was one of the organizers, no favoritism here) was asked if we wanted to join the team with one lone driver in the first heat as practice.. That meant we only raced 1/5th of the time instead of 1/4 but it gave us some great track practice before our heat. In this first heat we finished 5th mainly due to the extra pit stops we had to make to fit everyone in twice.
    In our own heat we ran near the lead right from the beginning finally taking the lead with about 15 min to go and held it to the end. This put us in the finals (top 8) but we randomly drew last place on the starting grid and never managed to recover. This was only a 30 min race so there was less time to recover. The track marshals were also much stricter on keeping drivers from drive too dangerously or bumping to much so there were several on lap penalties handed out, including 2 to us. We did get as high as 3rd at one point but faded to 5th by the end.
    I estimate that because we filled in on the missing team and made the final with our own team that we each drove approx 100 laps, maybe that's why I'm so sore...
    The track has all kinds of electronic timing devices to show you lap times, placing, time behind leader, etc, all in real time that it makes it feel real competitive.
    Would love to organize something like this again some weekend afternoon. I would guess the cost to do this would be approx $50-60 per person for a similar setup if we got 10+ teams.
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