Looking for cash games in the Kitchener/Waterloo area.

Hello everyone,

My friends and I are looking for established NLHE/PLO cash games in the Kitchener/Waterloo area as the drive to Niagara is quite long.

Please PM me with details.

Thank you


  • oooooooooh plo.... i love that game. i would start one at my place. how many people do you have? what stakes are you looking for?

    i could probably bring together one or two others for PLO, prob microstakes like .10/.25, .25/.50 or .50/1.00

    i also have a friend who is learning to deal and would do it for tips, no rake.
  • Bogdan wrote: »

    oops sorry, didnt see that. well, if you are interested i will establish one.
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