No rake satellites to blue heron & bwc

New satellites at "the pit", georgetown, home game.
no rake 10 player satellites planned, sundays 1pm., $150 entry fee.
August 9th satellite to blue heron's $1100 event of august 12th. 1st place receives entry plus $100 cash...2nd place receives $300 cash.

August 30th satellite to pt. Edwards blue water classic $660 event of sept 25 or 26. 1st and 2nd place each receive entry fee plus $90 cash.

September 6th satellite, exactly the same as august 3oth.

September 13th satellite, exactly the same as august 30th, or, a cash tournament, if the players prefer.

Winners of main events agree to share 20% of their winnings with the other 9 players.
Satellites replicate main event structures, with faster blinds.
Players deal, unless volunteer dealer is recruited.
Byo refreshments.
Comfortable and professional environment and facilities.

100% commitment from 10 players must be secured before these satellites can be confirmed. ***please book your seat and commitment early***
contact me directly if you wish. Barry @905-873-7222.


  • I will try to make it for aug 9, will conferm later this week.
  • It is a no-brainer to play in this rake-free satellite for the GBH event with $110,000 prize pool. If anybody wants any free poker swag such as Moneymaker/PartyPoker/PokerStars caps, PartyPoker/Cake Poker T-shirts, souvenir card protectors, casino chips, card decks, etc., PM me and I will try to bring them on Sunday.
    PIRANHA wrote: »
    no rake 10 player satellites planned, sundays 1pm., $150 entry fee.
    August 9th satellite to blue heron's $1100 event of august 12th. 1st place receives entry plus $100 cash...2nd place receives $300 cash.
  • Update... eight players have now 100% confirmed, and 5 "maybes".
    Still room for 2 more players.
    Don't be and book your seat now.
    Should be good poker!...and rake-free!
  • This Sunday's satellite is now fully booked.
    Thanks to all for supporting this event.
    One of us will now hopefully bring home the bacon from Blue Heron on the 12th.
    I encourage anyone wishing to reserve a seat for our next no-rake satellite on August 30th to do so early. This one is for the Pt Edwards Blue Waters Tournament on Sept 25 and 26. Satellite fee is $150, and there will be 2 winners, each receiving a seat to the main event plus $90 travelling cash.
  • Note that 58 seats have been sold at GBH when I bought mine, so it will probably sell out like the last $1,100 event.
  • Thanks to PIRANHA for hosting and providing even more free poker swag. After all the participants got what they wanted, there were still a bunch left so they will be available at the next rake-free satellite on August 30. If anybody ever wants something from PartyPoker, I can try to request and bring it.
    If anybody wants any free poker swag such as Moneymaker/PartyPoker/PokerStars caps, PartyPoker/Cake Poker T-shirts, souvenir card protectors, casino chips, card decks, etc.
  • A number of Pit players and friends played the Blue Heron event, but this time the best we did was a 12th place bubble buster! Could have been quite different had the wind shifted just slightly in our direction. Next time......
    But our satellite itself was fantastic! Very good poker, terrific group of participants, challenging, stimulating, and a pleasure to host!
    Thanks to BlondeFish for the generous(free) swag, that was appreciated by the players.....and there's lots left for our future events. (and I also have donated hats, shirts etc from various casino misadventures from my past lives).

    Now...on to our next satellite event....August 30th for 10 players, $150 TWO receive fully paid seat (worth $670), plus $80 cash, to the Pt. Edwards Blue Waters Classic Poker Tournament on Sept 25 or 26. 12 players from each of these days advance to the final day on Sept 27th(max 24 players...all in the money).
    Don't know how quickly seats will get sold out, but if seats are still available, we're hoping to hold two more similar satellites on Sept 6th and 13th, thereby having perhaps six players under our banner at the final event.

    Book your seat early please! We were oversubscribed last time and had to disappoint two players!

    Good flops to all!
    I'm away for a few days, but please email ( or phone me (905-873-7222) with your reservations or questions.
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