Game 5 Roll Call

Darryl still holds a bit of a lead this season, but its shortening up on him. Keith, Romer, and myself are all still in contention to take it away from him, but there's still a lot of games to be played, and anyone can still get in on the top spot.

Who's In??

1 - AJ
2 - Keith
3 - Darryl
4 - Sam
5 - Kris
6 - Greg
7 - Sean
8 - Steve
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -


  • back on afternoon shift this week, so I am out :-(
    Should be able to do 3 in a row after that. Good luck to all
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Darryl still holds a bit of a lead this season, but its shortening up on him.


    Im in.
  • Hey i was just wondering if this weekly poker game is open to anybody who wants to play... im interested in playing if possible, thanks.
  • Hi Colin

    Yes, its open, so long as you are over 19. The rest of the rules are posted in the Rules thread.

    If you're still interested, let me know and I'll PM you the address and contact numbers.
  • In...
  • Hey AJ,

    Put me down as a strong maybe
  • This week...

    Depending on who wants to play, I'll open up a .5/1 Cash table this Thursday night. If the tournament is two table, we'll open up the cash table when we merge, should be around 9:30pm, and will be open until 1am!! Min buyin $20 max $100...RAKE FREE!!

    This cash game is open to anyone, league players and non league players alike. You can come out JUST for the cash table if you desire, or you can play the tournament and then the cash game afterwards.

    There's still lots of open seats for the tournament game as well so why not do both? The cash game is entirely up to you. OPEN TO EVERYONE!!
  • I'll be there
  • seanpcarp wrote: »
    I'll be there

    Met Sean at the charity game last week. Expressed an interest in checking us out on The Hill. He bubbled in the charity game, so you know he can suck out like the rest of you bums!!! ;)

    Glad to have you come out Sean!!
  • Still plenty of seats open for tonight. Haven't heard from Romer yet, Kris have you?

    Dave/ guys planning a return?
  • No, have not... He's running scared!!! lol
  • ACDC wrote: »
    No, have not... He's running scared!!! lol

    I think you're right Kris...just heard from him...he and Dave are OUT...something to do with a Fedex Dinner

    They must be having DHL deliver it to make sure it arrives on time.
  • Ohhh!!! That is a major BURN...
  • Looks like we do not have enough people for a regular game. Is it going to be a cash game only???
  • There are 7 signed up so far, and that means an official league game. I'll put up the cash game table if anyone wants to play after busting.

    Also, haven't heard from Steve yet, and there's usually one or two later comers as well. I'll keep the seating open until 7 just in case.
  • Alright, GAME ON BABY...
  • Tournament and cash tables are set up! I haven't had anyone express an interest in the cash game yet, but its up and available for anyone who wants to play it post tourney.
  • playing in the final 18 game tonight but hope to see you next week
  • You know you're welcome to come out anytime Mike

    Greg goes back to back with another victory tonight, taking Kris 'The Card Magnet' out in second. Only top two paid tonight as Sean couldn't make it out...he's a new Grandfather!!! Congrats Sean!!

    I bubbled, but lucky to get there after Kris destroyed my set kings with a straight early on. A lucky wheel tripled me up to stay in the game that long, but Kris took me down when he completes the small blind and allows me to hit a 10 high flop and again dominates me with AA. Sneaky little bugger that Kris...think he's been reading those damn books again.

    Hope to see everyone out next week!!
  • Hey AJ,

    Thanks for hosting, once again had a great time. Ching has some solid poker players so it's the real honour to get back to back wins. I'll have to go for the triple play next week.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    I'll have to go for the triple play next week.

    Okay, it worked. We got Greg thinking we're actually competent players and allowed him to succeed. Now its time to SHUT HIM DOWN!

    Great having you out Greg. The way you and Kris were hitting hands last night I'm surprised the game wasn't over by break. Between the two of you, I think you both had about 75% of the chips by then. It was a real struggle for the rest of us to get any momentum.
  • There's a NEW Money Sheriff on The Hill, and his name is GREG! Greg takes over the top money position with his back to back victories last night, edging Darryl out by $30. However, Darryl still holds the POINTS lead going into the halfway mark of the season. Here's the current points breakdown:

    DARRYL 192

    KEITH 174
    A.J. 168
    KRIS 155
    GREG 145
    ROMER 118
    ED 97
    SAM 63
    JEFF 61
    DAVE L 58
    JEFF C 53
    DAVE D 52
    JAY 49
    ALLAN 46
    STEVE K 41
    GARRY 35
    ANTHONY 19
    JOE 18
    STEVE 17
    ROB 14

    About this time I like to remind all players that you require a minimum of four (4) regular season games played in order to qualify to playing in the SEASON ENDING TOURNAMENT in late September. Those of you who have only one or two games in are going to need to come out again in order to qualify.
  • Aw Shucks! Stop it AJ you're embarrassing me.
  • out of curiosity AJ, does the season ending tourney fall on a Thurs as well or do you make it on a weekend? Assuming all thursdays from here on out count as league games, any projections on what day the end game will be on?
  • As of right now, its scheduled for Sept 24. The last tab on the excel file I send out shows the date near the top, so if it changes, it'll change there. Yes, its a Thursday night, unless otherwise agreed on.
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