Tilting situation occurs a couple hours into cash home game...

Last night I went to a home game to play some unlimited hold thems. We were using my set of chips and my deck.
I sat down, opened my case to start counting out the chips and giving them to each player, and I also noticed my two decks (one copag, one modiano) which weren't in any cases (as they don't fit in the chip case) had mixed together a bit (some copag cards mixed into the modiano deck). I ask my friend, Ryan, next to me to choose which deck he wants to play with, and if he can make sure to count the cards to make sure that there are in fact 52 because some had been mixed in, to which he obliges, choosing the Copag cards.
Anyways, I finish counting/giving out the chips and we start the cash game. About an hour in, I lose about 2 buyins to Ryan (who was supposed to count the cards)...after about 2 and a half hours Ryan has been running hot and is up significantly from his initial buy-in.
Another friend of mine as well as myself are each down around 2 buyins, and the rest of the table is noticing that this game has been really weird:confused:...

Anyways, I suggest we change the deck, everyone agrees, and when I open up my chip case I find that there are about 9 copaq cards still mixed in with the modianos...I'm obviously pissed now, show the table, and confront Ryan, who said he'd count the cards. He now laughs and says that he thought I was joking:confused:.

What tilted me the most was that he was up more than anyone in the night's game.

Now I know this is an absolutely stupid situation and I guess you really can't depend on others to do something as simple as counting out a deck of cards before a game...

Have any of you had as retarded a situation as this?

Also, after the game on the way home, my friend who was down said that he wanted to suggest that everyone get their money back once the missing cards were found, but he knew that because he was down the players who were up would tell him to go to hell...

After thinking about it, if I was the player who was supposed to count the cards and didn't, I would have given the money back to the players I had won it from....(fwiw all the players in the game are friends with each other, just a friendly home game)

I'd like to know your opinions on this, BESIDES the obvious "you guys are ****in stupid", etc....


  • I host a small potatoes dealer's choice game, similar to yours. The game occasionally rotates to other homes. For whatever reason I always seem to get designated as "Floor" for the evening (checking stacks, cards, rulings, $$$, etc.). As such, it there are discrepancies, I feel obligated to right them.

    Perhaps you, and your friends should do something similar?
  • Not playing with a full deck, huh?

    Upon the discovery of the error, and keeping in mind what is best for the game, I would have insisted on starting from scratch. Everyone gets their full buyin(s) returned, the deck is corrected, and play on.

    However, I have been in games/tourney's where a card was found under the table and no one knew when it would have fallen out or how long they've been playing with a short deck, and the decision was that no changes were to happen to chipstacks, just recount the cards and continue. Again, this is tournament play.

    For a friendly cash game though, with that many cards missing, I would much rather restart everything from the beginning.
  • Always reset the cards in order before every game and lay them out face up before shuffling.

    Who the hell doesn't notice 20% of the deck missing, just from feel? you guys are ****in stupid

    How can you penalize anyone unless you know that your friend knew exactly which cards are missing?
  • I stand corrected

    One or more cards missing from the deck does not invalidate the results of a hand.

    If you want to get technical, you just take your lumps and continue. However, you said its a friendly game with buddies, so I would still tend to lean towards a total refresh of the game.
  • moose wrote: »
    How can you penalize anyone unless you know that your friend knew exactly which cards are missing?

    This was gonna be my point. Everyone had the same (dis)advantage so I say move on and rape them next time.
  • jdAA88 wrote: »

    Anyways, I suggest we change the deck, everyone agrees, and when I open up my chip case I find that there are about 9 copaq cards still mixed in with the modianos...I'm obviously pissed now, show the table, and confront Ryan, who said he'd count the cards. He now laughs and says that he thought I was joking:confused:.

    Strange situation.

    Did Ryan go throught the deck and memorize which 9 cards were missing? If not, it should still have been an even playing ground if nobody knew that cards were missing.
  • Quimby wrote: »
    Strange situation.

    Did Ryan go throught the deck and memorize which 9 cards were missing? If not, it should still have been an even playing ground if nobody knew that cards were missing.

    I realize this, but hands he won/hands others lost may have never happened if there was a full/deck or may have ended in another player winning (ex: if someone shoved on a flop with a diamond FD thinking they have 9 outs but there's 4 diamond cards left out of the deck)....
  • If you want something done right, do it yourself.
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    I realize this, but hands he won/hands others lost may have never happened if there was a full/deck or may have ended in another player winning (ex: if someone shoved on a flop with a diamond FD thinking they have 9 outs but there's 4 diamond cards left out of the deck)....

    That's the same as saying you would have won...if you hadn't folded

    You will never know if/how those missing cards would have impacted any player on the table. Everyone had the same disadvantage unknowingly.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    If you want something done right, do it yourself.

    lol truer words have never been spoken...
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    That's the same as saying you would have won...if you hadn't folded

    You will never know if/how those missing cards would have impacted any player on the table. Everyone had the same disadvantage unknowingly.

    Yeah you're right
  • Just out of curiosity, what were the missing cards? Any face cards?
  • moose wrote: »
    How can you penalize anyone unless you know that your friend knew exactly which cards are missing?

    +1, if he didn't know what cards were missing, he didn't have an advantage. Therefore, he won your money fairly and if cards were missing, that's life. Another life lesson, brought to you by pokerforum.ca.
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    I realize this, but hands he won/hands others lost may have never happened if there was a full/deck or may have ended in another player winning (ex: if someone shoved on a flop with a diamond FD thinking they have 9 outs but there's 4 diamond cards left out of the deck)....

    your serious??

    what's really interesting is nobody noticed any of these cards missing for 2.5 hours... when is the next cash game?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity, what were the missing cards? Any face cards?

    lol, 2 aces were missing........which is sick because in a previous hand where I flopped 2 pair and got it in against Ryan, who called with TPTK...he turned an Ace (which was the case ace ldo).
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    your serious??

    what's really interesting is nobody noticed any of these cards missing for 2.5 hours... when is the next cash game?

  • how does nobody notice an entire sixth of a deck missing by feel or vision

    your cards must be as thick as sweat socks
  • zoolook wrote: »
    how does nobody notice an entire sixth of a deck missing by feel or vision

    your cards must be as thick as sweat socks

    I was going to say the same thing. It may be because the exercises I did while learning to count for Blackjack but I usually notice when even one card is missing. was there some imbibed liquid that made it so everyone wasn't playing with a full deck in more ways than one?

    Ah well, as long as the other cards were mixed in to the other deck, there was no foul committed I think.
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