Need Help Reading Hands

Hey Dave
This question is for Dave and anyone else who can send me in the right direction........
In Regina this weekend I had only two solid reads on opponents hands. I NEED to improve this. I have yet to come across any decent reading material on this subject. The way that I break it down is by previous plays that my opponent has done, there position, and the action after the flop. If there is a limp in MP and the board comes 10c 7s 3c I try and break all the hands down and than pick the most likely. 10-7, 10-3, 7-3, 10-10, 7-7, 3-3, 8-9, 10-J, A-10,and Xc-Xc (this is if my opponent comes out betting). Depending on the player, amount of the bet, and what I'm holding I come up with something like 7-7, A-10, 10-J, 8-9, and Xc-Xc. I think I'm on the right track but would appreciate any kind of help in this area.



  • Caro's book of tells, is reputed to have some good info in it. Ironically, I haven't read it yet myself. lol
  • Reading hands is, for me, a matter of starting with a range of hands and then shrinking the box as the hand progress.

    So, a player raises. What hands will *this* player raise with pre-flop? On the flop he bets again. If that an auto-bet or does it represent a top pair bet. You raise and he calls. What does that mean? Auto-call or a draw or a hand he will not give up?

    It is simply a matter or shrinkng the box and then adding in tells. (shameless plug coming) My book Winning At Poker: Essential Hints and Tips has a small section on this.
  • Caros book is quite good but it's also a lot of information to try to soak up. It doesn't really help with reading hands but it will definitely help if you're looking to spot a bluffer.
  • I slightly disagree. I think that the clues one sees at the table can be critical in reading hands. In particular, tells will often tell you what your opponent does *not* have.
  • It is simply a matter or shrinkng the box and then adding in tells. (shameless plug coming) My book Winning At Poker: Essential Hints and Tips has a small section on this.
    Hasn't someone scanned this and put it on Kazzaa? :tongue:

    Seriously, Dave, where can I find your book?

    (edit, after spending 15 seconds looking... :banghead: )

    It's on
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