Significant Poker Others...
Does anyone here have a significant other that plays with him/her? I have been trying to get my girlfriend to start playing for about a year now, but she's very resistive to the idea. She thinks quicker than I do, and I think she'd be excellent. Anyone else in this situation?
I think if she wanted to, and gained some more experience, she'd be a a tough, solid player that I wouldn't want to play against.
This is a tough situation. I wouldn't push anyone too hard into trying out poker myself.
I was lucky myself, because my girlfriend was the one who approached me with the idea of learning to play. So, the first thing we did was she played a *lot* of Wilson's Turbo Texas Hold'em both her alone, and with me watching her. She really liked the "advisor" feature that suggests which play the programmed advisor would make in each situation. The purpose of me being there would be to sometimes try to explain the theory behind the advisor's suggestions, or alternative plays.
We've never played poker for significant money against each other. Not sure how that would go over.
That reminds me of a tournament I was playing at, where a couple was heads-up in a hand against each other. The boyfriend busted out his girlfriend, and she angrily grabbed his jacket, pulled out his wallet, took out a C-note, and went to go play the slots. He said, "deal me out!" and ran after her. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a cardroom.!!!
but when she does play, she is really good at reading people
she talks to me after about certain plays, and i'm amazed at how much she picked up that i completely missed!
has the ability to read so well, but doesn't really care to use it that often...figures