Brampton Poker Tournament July 24th

All In Brampton Charity Poker Tournament in support of The Canadian Diabetes Association
Friday, July 24, 2009 – 6:00 PM Start
Registration opens at 5:00 PM

For all information and to register on line go to below link:
All In Brampton Charity Poker Tournament for The Canadian Diabetes Association - All In Poker Events (Newmarket, ON) -

Irish Centre
Dixie Rd. and Steeles Ave.
20 Strathearn Ave. Unit 5
Brampton, Ontario
Open to both Men and Women over the age of 19.
Limited to the first 110 entries.
$40 (all of which goes to the prize pool)
Starting Chips: 2,000


  • RockOn...slow're boarding on spamming, and could end up getting bounced

    You should mention this is a rebuy/addon tournament as well in your post. As stated, it appears as a freezeout, but it isn't. Also mention that the rebuy/addon $$ is directed to the charity, and not the payouts.

    Looking at your blind schedule, appears to really become a bingo after the break...blinds go from 30min to 20min and double every 20min.

    Still, I might venture to join in. Depends on what is already planned though.
  • The blinds are designed as per players vs time (tournament must end by 1:00 AM). The Blinds schedule after the break (after the Add-on) provides an excellent playability factor.

    The on-line link was posted to provide all information.

    Come on out, you will enjoy a very good poker tournament.
    Good Luck and Good Fun
  • All In Charity Poker Tournament in support of The Canadian Diabetes Association
    Friday, July 24, 2009 – 6:00 PM Start
    Registration opens at 5:00 PM
    Tournament Director: Rocky Phillips

    Irish Centre
    Dixie Rd. and Steeles Ave.
    20 Strathearn Ave. Unit 5
    Brampton, Ontario

    Open to both Men and Women over the age of 19.
    Limited to the first 110 entries.

    $40 (all of which goes to the prize pool)
    Starting Chips: 2,000

    Re-Buys: (re-buys are not mandatory, all funds go to the charity)
    $20 for 2,000 chips. For any player who busts out (0 chips)
    during the first three levels (90 minutes) of the tournament,
    the number of re-buys is unlimited, but
    only available for the first 90 minutes.

    Add-On: (the add-on is not mandatory, all funds go to the charity)
    $20 for 2,000 chips or $40 for 5,000 chips
    The Add-On can be made only once at the end of Level 3 (90
    minutes) by any player regardless of chip stack size.

    No Limit, Hold'em
    Prize Pool: Top 10% to a maximum of ten players.
    Maximum 110 players in tournament.
    Blind Levels: 30 minutes for the first three levels and
    20 minutes thereafter.

    Food and beverages will be available for purchase.

    Game will end at 1:00 AM (if not finished remaining pot will be split based on stack size).
    Please register by RSVP through this site link provide above and then pay at the door, if you are having a guest, please enter name of guest in comments.
  • I'm going to try to get in on this charity game...its local, and it may be interesting to see how well structured it is.

    Anyone else going?
  • Participated in this last night. RockonPoker holds a regular charity game once a month in Brampton as well as another one in Markham. The Markham game is somewhat bigger, usually selling out at 100 players, but the Brampton game is still young and hasn't gotten the crowd yet like the Markham game.

    Rocky hosts these as charity tournaments, basically sponsoring whatever charity organization needs the money most (last night it was the diabetes association) and the charity changes for every game. The layout was pretty good, had five tables ready to start, but only 30 players signed up, so only three in play. Tournament Director was on the big screen in easy view of all players. Starting stacks of 2000 with blinds starting at 25/50 and doubling every half hour for the first three levels, (20mins after the addon period ended) in which you can rebuy for full stack at half price upon busting. At the end of the third level, you can addon for full stack at half price, or full price for double starting stack. This gave A LOT of good play in the with a ton of chips in the later stretches of the game. The blinds after the break, although shortened to 20mins, didn't go up very quickly at all, and allowed for plenty of time to plan strategies and build stacks.

    Generally, I would rate the skill level of play as below average to decent for the most part. Some solid play, but a lot of very loose calls and raises. I'm dealt AKs in MP and raise it to 400 (about 4xbb), get one caller in LP and the BB calls as well. Flop comes down JJ2rainbow, BB checks, and I'm down to about a pot size stack so I push all in (before rebuy period ends). LP mucks, BB thinks for a second (massive stockpile of chips from two earlier hands), and decides to call me, showing AQo. Hits his Q on the turn and I rebuy for the first and only time.

    Make it to final table but get incredibly card dead, seeing JJ once on the puck and doubling up when opponent's Ace rag fails to hit, and never seeing another ace until my bust out hand...same guy who doubled up my JJ min raises UTG and I push with 6BB with A9o, he calls with A10o and holds up. Out in seventh spot. A lot of very loose open raising oop, basically any Ace, and weak face cards (saw a lot of KJ open raising and calls, a lot of Q10). It was also necessary for me to keep the game moving correctly and help with some small issues like dead blinds, chopping pots, and exposed dealt cards, but overall, not unexpected.

    For the most part, the players are out to have a good time, ranging in ages of about early 20's to mid 50's, with a couple in Compuease's age bracket as well. Door prizes were drawn pregame for rebuy/addon certificates, as well as a 50/50 draw with Ticket Holdem, all monies going to the selected charities. Payouts are based on the total initial buyin, with top 10% paying out. Last night top spot took $600, with $360 and $240 rounding out second and third place. All rebuy and addon monies go to the selected charities.

    Typical charity format game for the most part, laced with a decent blind structure and wide range of player skills.

    Initial buyin: $40 2000 starting stack (total payout)
    Rebuys: $20 for 2000 chips, available after bustout only (charity)
    Addons: $20 for 2000 chips, $40 for 4000 chips, after the third level (charity)
    Player Skill: low to average for the most part
    Recommended: Yes, if you're looking for a small local game with semi weak field and don't mind the charity donations you'll make. Most of the players are there for fun and a good time and a night out playing poker, nothing more serious.
  • Hey AJ, thanks for coming out and providing your review. We enjoyed having you.
    Hope to see you again.
  • Well I have been playing at AJ's game a few times and like the way he runs things so if he says this is a good one I will check out the next one
    any idea on the when yet? or just keep watching the post.
  • Some time in August. Its a monthly game at the Irish Center. Not sure when exactly the next one will be, but I'm sure Rocky will post it up here when he sets it up.
  • Newmarket Aug. 14th
    Brampton Aug 21st

    Now posted, thanks
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