OMG I Made Another Final Table!



  • go go go
  • 7/10 ipoker major :)
  • AQ < JJ for 6th in mulligan, 4k
  • Vekked wrote: »
    8/9 in the sunday mulligan

    Do thisssss.
  • Vekked wrote: »
    7/10 ipoker major :)

    Fuck. OK do thissssss.
  • update: 2/5, best player just tilted out, other guys are ranging from semi-fishy to very fishy :D. Please give me the run gooooodsss.
  • 1/3, AA > 99 for 70BB pot
  • heads up
  • Shhiiiiiiiiiipppppppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!hgwfqkerdfakfskardfaq
  • Vekked wrote: »

    Very nice! Congrats!
  • Vekked wrote: »


    This is like 40k amirite?
  • Wow awesome, absolutely killing it the past few months!
  • nice score! what was this on again? how much you ship?
  • vekked wrote: »

  • congrats vekked!! sickoooooo
  • Simply f@&king amazing! Congrats! Looks like 42k, plus your other scores, freaking animal

    What makes this even more notable, IMO was that you had literally bubbled the 1k SCOOP ME just before. 325/324 spots paying. The only reason I mention is because it shows the true mental discipline of a top player.

    While many would crumble after a frustrating week, you stuck to your A game and plugged away for a major win.

    Much respect!
  • You are a beast, sir.
  • jontm wrote: »
    Simply f@&king amazing! Congrats! Looks like 42k, plus your other scores, freaking animal

    What makes this even more notable, IMO was that you had literally bubbled the 1k SCOOP ME just before. 325/324 spots paying. The only reason I mention is because it shows the true mental discipline of a top player.

    While many would crumble after a frustrating week, you stuck to your A game and plugged away for a major win.

    Much respect!

    This!!! Yeh but is he a creationary or an evolutionary?
  • compuease wrote: »
    This!!! Yeh but is he a creationary or an evolutionary?

    Dont think it matters when you can see the other peoples cards.
  • nice score! what was this on again? how much you ship?

  • jontm wrote: »
    Simply f@&king amazing! Congrats! Looks like 42k, plus your other scores, freaking animal

    What makes this even more notable, IMO was that you had literally bubbled the 1k SCOOP ME just before. 325/324 spots paying. The only reason I mention is because it shows the true mental discipline of a top player.

    While many would crumble after a frustrating week, you stuck to your A game and plugged away for a major win.

    Much respect!

    Haha, yea this was so brutal. I even used 2/3 of my timebank just to get to hand for hand, and I thought in a field of >300 people I'd money fairly easy since I had about 18 or 19BB, but siiigh, why do they have to deal me AK on the absolute bubble? LOL

    Thanks for the congrats all. Feels pretty good, sundays (other than the 100r a few weeks ago) have been going awful in 2011 and I've been basically breakeven cuz I win a bunch during the week and lose it all on sundays. Hopefully I can keep up the trend :D
  • came in 7/9, doing good so far....sitting 1/9

    this hurt a little

    Full Tilt - 4000/8000 PL Hi - Omaha - 4 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    UTG: 293,954.00
    BTN: 161,272.00
    Hero (SB): 219,126.00
    BB: 163,148.00
    Hero posts SB 4,000.00, BB posts BB 8,000.00
    Pre Flop: (12000.00) Hero has T:diamond: 2:club: 5:heart: 9:heart:
    fold, fold, Hero calls 4,000.00, BB raises to 24,000.00, Hero calls 16,000.00
    Flop: (48000.00, 2 players) A:club: 3:club: 4:spade:
    Hero checks, BB bets 24,000.00, Hero raises to 60,000.00, BB raises to 139,148.00 and is all-in, Hero calls 79,148.00

    Turn: (326296.00, 2 players) 2:spade:
    River: (326296.00, 2 players) 4:heart:
    BB shows 4:club: 5:diamond: 7:diamond: 2:heart: (Full House, Fours full of Twos) (PreFlop 36%, Flop 61%, Turn 59%)
    Hero shows T:diamond: 2:club: 5:heart: 9:heart: (Straight, Five High) (PreFlop 64%, Flop 39%, Turn 41%)
    BB wins 326,296.00
  • Tough break T8 - Both of you flop the nut straight and he catches runner, runner for a boat. Gross.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    came in 7/9, doing good so far....sitting 1/9

    4th for 500
  • I'm not vekked but I'm at the final table of a smaller 5r PLO8 rebuy on stars. Sitting 3/9. 900 for first

    Edit: Out 9th lol, no love there
  • compuease wrote: »
    This!!! Yeh but is he a creationary or an evolutionary?

    Ummm....I'm leaning toward evolutionary. He seems math minded and spends all SUNDAY gambling. It's limited info but all I got to go on. Plus it doesn't appear he cleaned out his accounts in anticipation of the rapture....
  • Still not vekked, but managed to final table my 5 dollar FO with 3,8k runners in it lol
  • jontm wrote: »
    Ummm....I'm leaning toward evolutionary. He seems math minded and spends all SUNDAY gambling. It's limited info but all I got to go on. Plus it doesn't appear he cleaned out his accounts in anticipation of the rapture....
    it won't be that easy, being a philosphy major...:p
  • STILL not vekked but also managed to final table my 3r with 5k runners to complete the hat trick
  • LOL, sick , gl in the 3r, that's gotta be a big 1st prize yea? What site/SN?
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