OMG I Made Another Final Table!



  • ft of the nightly 162. 6/9 13k up top
    ft of the $640 FT ME. $512k up top :|

    9/9 thou

    blah 8th. for 46k

    You're not real. Sick scores today !!
  • ft of the $640 FT ME. $512k up top :|

    9/9 thou

    blah 8th. for 46k

    Railed for a bit. Well played
  • gratz BTP, nice score
  • Nice work! BTP, nice score!
  • 6/9 ftp $26 12.5k gtd

    edit: 9th, AQ < AK
  • 1/9 stars $8 8k gtd, 1500 cheeseburgers up top

    edit: 6th for a peanut or two
  • djgolfcan on Stars

    $11R on Stars - $2100 up top

    6 / 9 going in

    3rd for $1200 - Merry Christmas
  • Great job Dj! Merry Christmas.
  • I havnt played online poker in 3 months but today I sat down with 5 tables. I played quite well but my emotions are a mess, I get emotionally involved in hands and my heart is racing during flips, if I can't get this shit under control I have to quit playing again while in uni...

    On the bright side tho I shipped an 11 dollar knockout on FTP for 180 dollars, that doubles my current bankroll ^^'
  • 3/9 in the midnight madness

    a little help to get here

    Full Tilt Poker Game #31752631152: Midnight Madness! (246228299), Table 35 - 800/1600 Ante 200 - No Limit Hold'em - 00:13:17 PT - 2012/12/28 [03:13:17 ET - 2012/12/28]
    Seat 1: offroad7 (63,667)
    Seat 2: dirkthework (36,858)
    Seat 5: johnnyflash3 (46,660)
    Seat 6: dont bowl there (21,394)
    Seat 7: stevennhl91 (94,556)
    Seat 8: Bcboy72 (31,430)
    offroad7 antes 200
    dirkthework antes 200
    johnnyflash3 antes 200
    dont bowl there antes 200
    stevennhl91 antes 200
    Bcboy72 antes 200
    stevennhl91 posts the small blind of 800
    Bcboy72 posts the big blind of 1,600
    The button is in seat #6
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to Bcboy72 [Jd Td]
    offroad7 folds
    dirkthework folds
    johnnyflash3 folds
    dont bowl there raises to 4,800
    stevennhl91 folds
    Bcboy72 raises to 31,230, and is all in
    dont bowl there calls 16,394, and is all in
    offroad7 has been disconnected
    Bcboy72 shows [Jd Td]
    dont bowl there shows [As 9s]
    offroad7 has reconnected
    Uncalled bet of 10,036 returned to Bcboy72
    *** FLOP *** [Ad Qd 9h] (Total Pot: 44,388, 2 Players, 1 All-In)
    *** TURN *** [Ad Qd 9h] [4d] (Total Pot: 44,388, 2 Players, 1 All-In)
    *** RIVER *** [Ad Qd 9h 4d] [Kd] (Total Pot: 44,388, 2 Players, 1 All-In)
    Bcboy72 shows a Royal Flush
    dont bowl there shows two pair, Aces and Nines
    Bcboy72 wins the pot (44,388) with a Royal Flush

    Kinda sad when a RF doesn't even make the heart flutter a little bit


    9th..a 3bet jam with 55 (and yes I know better, but he folded every other time I did runs into AA.
  • final table of $530 friday night fight on fulltilt. 1/9 coming in. 12.4k up top
  • final table of $530 friday night fight on fulltilt. 1/9 coming in. 12.4k up top

    nice, gogo
  • final table of $530 friday night fight on fulltilt. 1/9 coming in. 12.4k up top

    wtf Friday night fight starts at 2pm?


  • 2nd for 7500....and prob like 6-8 kos. to like $8200ish. made bad bluff last hand. and guy made a nice call....
    o well blah lol
  • final table of $530 friday night fight on fulltilt. 1/9 coming in. 12.4k up top

    Just railed the Friday night fight. Well played and your last check, re-raise with was a pro move. You have a new fan and railbird :)
  • ft of 8c 4500 up top. 3/9

    5th for 1330
  • Stars $1+r Turbo 7k......sitting 4/8

    turd for 900
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    Stars $1+r Turbo 7k......sitting 4/8

    turd for 900
    Good way to start the year off, could of been better but 9 bills is nice! Congratz sir.
  • Early double B on full tilt. Would be a really nice win for where I'm at right now. Sitting 5/7

    Edit: 5th Aj < A5
  • FTP $50 6k NLHE.....1/9
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    FTP $50 6k NLHE.....1/9

    Railing now, can't chat, you know that feelin, lol.

    Take it down !!
  • tks DJ, that was big chip lead (3x 2nd place).....lose 3 flips, bust 6th for fa
  • FTP $26 NLHE 18k.....coming in 1/9

    sheeeped for 4.5k
  • $10 cubed PLO 1k.....sitting 1/5

    This is a small one, but promised Payperview I'd post my victory....just assuming I'll get there after one tabling for 3 hours

    Shipped...beat ur good buddy HU with little effort...4fiddy
  • Well done T8, your on a roll. Pass some of that rungood this way. Lol, congratz buddy.
  • meh first FT of 2013 9/10 party $22 6k, 1.8k up top

    lmao 10th! fail so hard
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