OMG I Made Another Final Table!



  • 2 of 9 stars $16.50 360 capper
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    2 of 9 stars $16.50 360 capper

    Go go go !!

    You are a sick, sick individual - 1/4 in this one. 6/10 in another tourney

    make that 5/9 - two final tables at the same time !!
  • 4 of 9 $5 2r1a 7.5k gtd
  • won the $16.50 for $1.1k, workin on the other one
  • meh 6th in the 7.5k for $500
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    won the $16.50 for $1.1k, workin on the other one
    jdAA88 wrote: »
    meh 6th in the 7.5k for $500

    Nice life. WTG.
  • ten, ten, ten, twenties and em fifties bitch

    gg's jules
  • ^^^^ yee ty guys
  • Wow! Nice work jules.
  • Wtg beastman, keep it going!!!
  • $2.20 - $1K GTD (682 runners) - $250 up top

    7 / 9 going in - lots of work to do

    99 > KQ - sitting 5 / 8

    3rd for $135 6-6 > AT
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    $2.20 - $1K GTD (682 runners) - $250 up top

    7 / 9 going in - lots of work to do

    99 > KQ - sitting 5 / 8

    3rd for $135 6-6 > AT
    Not to bad for a 2.20 buy in. GG
  • Stars $16.50 PLO 1.5k.....sitting 1/8
  • lol....not sure how a spewtard like this makes it this far......7th for f/a...this pot was for 2/3rd of the chips in play

    PokerStars - $15+$1.50|1000/2000 PL Hi - Omaha Hi - 7 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
    BB: 23,789.00
    UTG: 35,080.00
    UTG+1: 33,434.00
    Hero (MP): 103,518.00
    CO: 19,104.00
    BTN: 34,320.00
    SB: 116,755.00
    SB posts SB 1,000.00, BB posts BB 2,000.00
    Pre Flop: (pot: 3000.00) Hero has A:spade: 8:diamond: A:club: K:spade:
    fold, fold, Hero raises to 5,000.00, CO raises to 18,000.00, fold, SB calls 17,000.00, fold, Hero raises to 74,000.00, CO calls 1,104.00 and is all-in, SB calls 56,000.00
    Flop: (169104.00, 3 players) 3:spade: 5:club: 6:spade:
    SB bets 20,000.00, Hero raises to 29,518.00 and is all-in, SB calls 9,518.00
    Turn: (228140.00, 3 players) 5:spade:
    River: (228140.00, 3 players) 8:club:
    SB shows 6:heart: 8:heart: 8:spade: 7:diamond: (Full House, Eights full of Fives) (Pre 25%, Flop 36%, Turn 3%)
    Hero shows A:spade: 8:diamond: A:club: K:spade: (Flush, Ace High) (Pre 42%, Flop 57%, Turn 92%)
    CO shows J:heart: Q:heart: T:diamond: Q:spade: (Two Pair, Queens and Fives) (Pre 33%, Flop 7%, Turn 6%)
    SB wins 228,140.00
  • 1st final table of July. $33 - $3k GTD - $860 up top

    7 / 9 going in

    3 / 4 going on break

    SHIP IT !!!!!!! $860.30
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    1st final table of July. $33 - $3k GTD - $860 up top

    7 / 9 going in

    3 / 4 going on break

    SHIP IT !!!!!!! $860.30

    Strong start to the 2nd half of the year.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    1st final table of July. $33 - $3k GTD - $860 up top

    7 / 9 going in

    3 / 4 going on break

    SHIP IT !!!!!!! $860.30

    nice score dj!
  • 2 of 9 stars $5 2r1a 5k gtd
  • u love that cubeament eh?

  • sure do, 5 of 5 at break tho :(
  • lol 3baments after agreeing to chop

    i was so tilted when he did that
  • holy fffffffffffff

    and he stilll tries to squirm out of it!


    i woulda been blowing my gasket lol

    gg sir
  • yeah, can't believe how scummy he was lol, w/e chopped HU for $1.3k
  • 6/10 Party 100r. 8.2 up top

    out in 6th 77 < AT after river double paired the board
  • 3/9 hot 44, 8k up top
  • actyper wrote: »
    6/10 Party 100r. 8.2 up top
    actyper wrote: »
    3/9 hot 44, 8k up top

  • westside8 wrote: »

  • goooooooooo
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
  • Prob gonna deal hu, 6.5k each, play for rest. 20bb each
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