Game 3 SignUp!

After last week's large field, I'm hoping to see a lot of players return for the next game. It was very good to have two full tables again.

There was an error in the spreadsheet that I have corrected now. Apparently, Romer didn't last longer than Kris did...who would have thought?

Who's In for this week?

1 - AJ
2 - Keith
3 - Darryl
4 - Kris
5 - Ed
6 - Jeff
7 - Steve Kerr
8 - Romer
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -


  • NO He did not!!! Romer got busted out just before me, to which I said: "I'm glad it was not me who took him out..."

    I'm definitely IN for the up coming game!!!
  • ACDC wrote: »
    NO He did not!!! Romer got busted out just before me, to which I said: "I'm glad it was not me who took him out..."

    I'm definitely IN for the up coming game!!!

    My bad Kris...just used the wrong verbage...OP is correct now.

    See you on Thursday.
  • ACDC wrote: »
    NO He did not!!! Romer got busted out just before me, to which I said: "I'm glad it was not me who took him out..."

    I'm definitely IN for the up coming game!!!

    Who knew the Polish Prince would be so sensitive? :D

    Don't put me on the list just yet, but I am going to try and make it out this week. If I have to go camping this weekend, I want to have some fun before I go . . .
  • You've got it all wrong!!! It's the POINTS that I'm after!!!!

    And, it's not Polish Prince but P-PAC (Polish Prick Association of Canada)!!!!
  • can't make it this week but i had a great time last one so for sure in for the week after, How do I get a look at the spreadsheet?
  • Sam, PM me your email address and I'll send you a copy as well as add you to my mailing list.
  • (Jeff)
  • Thanks Jeff

    Just a reminder to all league players...I appreciate knowing how many players as early as possible so that I can set up tables, chairs, chips, and get TD all set up.

    If you intend to play, the sooner you notify me, the better for me. If at all possible, please don't wait until the last minute to sign up. Chances are if you do, I can still squeeze you in, but it means quite a bit more to get things set up, so early notification is better.

    Thanks All
  • put me down as a maybe right now
    I will be able to confirm Thursday evening around 6pm if this is ok.

    I will probably text your cell AJ
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    put me down as a maybe right now
    I will be able to confirm Thursday evening around 6pm if this is ok.

    I will probably text your cell AJ

    No worries Steve, I'll put you down as tentative
  • Shameless BUMP...against the rules, but what the hell

    Lots of seating still available for tonight's game. The Milton Rock crew is more than welcome to join in too (Dave, Jeff, this means you guys). Milo, Steve, and Romer, please firm up your seats ASAP.

    Invite your friends, relatives, co workers, even people you like...would like to see two full tables again.
  • i'm out
  • Hello? Anyone else? HELLO??

  • Sorry, AJ, OUT. Dammit.
  • SHITE...Just told Muddguts you could either way...and you went the wrong way

    Still lots of time left though, I ain't worried...much
  • I will offer a discount for those on the fence. I promise to not put your ass all in until after the first level is over :biggrin:

    offer subject to change without prior notice
  • Steve K just texted me, he's IN
  • points will be had!
  • Romer's IN too...both he and Steve might be late and will be blinded in until they get here
  • Muddguts got vengeance tonight for last week's Chump by taking the game down tonight, but it was a struggle for awhile. He was extremely short stacked after break, but managed to double up a couple times on Keith to get back in the game, and after that there was no stopping him.

    Kris got second place tonight when his 86o was dominated by Ed's J8, and Darryl place third tonight, also fighting a short stack for most of the night.

    Romer's side bet stands next game with Kris...who ever busts out first pays the other's buyin to the following game. Should make next week's game interesting.
  • Another great game last night everyone...

    Romer, what did you do to my car??? It smells like a skunk...
  • ACDC wrote: »
    Another great game last night everyone...

    Romer, what did you do to my car??? It smells like a skunk...

    HELL YES! Mine does too! I could smell it last night when we all left, but I thought it was just that there was a skunk in the area but today after work, I came out to my car and thought "shit, I must have run over a skunk carcass or something on the way home last night". Strange stuff indeed.
  • I can complain to the neighbours about potentially KEYING cars, but I'm not sure what to do about the wildlife issue. Sorry guys, but raccoons and skunks are quite heavy in this area.

    Spreadsheet updated and sent out. Please review for accuracy.

    Yes, Romer, you DID chump out last night, so don't be begging for a better position.
  • on a personal level, this was the weirdest game I have played. Excellent hole cards for the first hour but completely missing flops and then getting called on my bluffs and pushed around by bigger stacks hand after hand. Getting low on chips, I started to get blinded out because my hole cards were not even worth defending with, I clearly had to pick my spot now. For the first time since I have started playing poker, I actually felt embarrassment by the way I was playing.

    Got lucky on my first all in with my KQ vs Keith's AQ, hit the K. After the second double up, the game completely turned around. I was getting great cards again and hitting on the board. I had chips to raise with instead of just announcing all in and I guess the others started having their bouts of bad luck. Heads up, I had the large stack but damn, Kris was tough to put away!
    Every time he stuck it all in the middle, I'd look down at J-rag and just pray. It finally went my way. There is some excellent competition on the Hill, I look forward to being tested more and more.....
  • Glad you enjoyed your time so far. Said it before, we like to have fun, but everyone takes it seriously too. If you have any suggestions on making it better, I'm all ears.

    At the start of the night, it seemed I was missing everything too. Unlike you and never got better for me though.
  • I was just thinking of this game and just about the decision that Darryl had to face when someone raised the pot on the turn that would have put him all in? A flush and a straight draw. Wasn't it something like 15 outs? What a position to be put in!
  • The most difficult decision Darryl has had to make up until that hand is what colour socks he should be wearing to the game he DOMINATES in!!! Looked good on him to have actually had to think about it for a minute or two. Doesn't happen often ;)

    Seriously, not sure if I could have folded it myself. There were a ton of outs available. I'm sure if he that many on the flop, he would have insta called, but since it was on the turn, he had only one shot.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I'm sure if he that many on the flop, he would have insta called, but since it was on the turn, he had only one shot.

    you're right...the flop and it's a snap call, one more card however and you're really rolling the dice. I'm sure if he was a little shorter stacked, he would have taken the shot.

    Looks like this week's game is shaping up. Would be wonderful to see 7 more.
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