Kitchener Monthly Home Game - NO RAKE

I am looking for players for a new home game.

PM me for your invite and location. I'm looking for players who enjoy the fun and excitement of a good, well run home game. Please leave your attitude at home.

I will be cutting off this game at 18 players. (I currently have 8 spots remaining for July 19th). It will take place on Sunday nights on the following dates.

July 19
August 17
September 13
October TBD
November 8
December 6

We will begin at 9:00 pm with a two table $25 freeze out tournament with two cash games following. Buy-ins and Blind amounts for the ring games to be determined later. The ring games will end no later than 5 am or until we are down to 4 players.

There will be absolutely no rake. House rules and code of conduct will be communicated each night or I can pm you this information if you'd like to know ahead of time.

If you want to play you must RSVP as soon as you know you can make it. You can register to play as soon as the previous months game begins, therefore those who come on a regular basis will have first crack at getting in the following game (for example: registration for the August 17th game will begin at 9 pm July 19th).

All players must be pre-registered. Players who show up on the night will not be admitted regardless of whether or not there are spots available.




  • Nice to see a local HG in Kitchener.

    A few notes/questions:

    Starting a 9pm on a Sunday/Monday night is a tad late for people who have to be up for work the next day. Even with only 18 players this game will run 3-4 hours, unless the blinds are ridiculously aggressive.

    TWO cash games? With only 18 players (in the tournament) you assume that everyone will stay until dawn to play cash games. Seems unlikely at best.

    Mandatory RSVPing to a tournament a month away seems a little Nazi-ish.
  • Thanks so much for your feedback and I don't disagree with any of it. K/W, Cambridge has a large number of people who work in factories and do shift work (like me). Most of the players I have already attracted are in that situation. They are able to spend the day with the family, then head out to play. I know for a fact that this game will not appeal to everyone, and that is okay....there are a lot of games out there and I'm sure this will not be the only choice for someone looking for action.

    My blinds are not "ridiculously aggressive". I am a poker player and I understand the importance of a good structure. I'm not looking for 3 straight hours of "all-in moments".

    I am also not looking for month in advance RSVPing. I am merely providing the opportunity to do so if a player wishes. I am certain there will be spots available a day or two before, but I can't guarantee it and I don't want players to be disappointed if there isn't. I don't think its unreasonable to offer a first come first served you?

    Lastly, I do not expect everyone to stay until dawn. That is why I'm leaving it a little up in the air until we assemble the first group. I have run dozens of cash games in the past and I will be prepared to arrange a game that will satisfy the bulk of the players (whether it be one or two games). Lets get week 1 underway and see how the game shapes up before we decide whether or not it will work. If it doesn't work we will adjust.

    I already have about 10 people who have committed to being regulars. I think there are at least 8 other shift workers in the area who would like to play after hours a little.

    Take care

    Kitchener Poker
  • I'm interested but Sun nights are mostly no go for me.
  • I am definitely interested. Sign me up for this month please. Let me put my vote in for starting earlier though. Even 7:30 would make a big difference.
  • I agree. I would love to start at 7:30. My kids go to bed at 8:30 and I doubt any of you would like them crawling all over you while you try to play. Please keep in mind this game is at my home and I have set the time to fit in with my family's schedule. Like I said, I know this is not for everyone, but I will do my best to consider all suggestions.

    I have you down for the 19th. I will PM you over the coming week to send you all the info you will need.

    Thanks again.
  • I think it's great you're opening up your home to strangers for a rake free game. I certainly didn't mean any disrespect. Hope you didn't take my post as an attack.
    I just wanted to point out some, irregularities that seemed a bit odd is all :)

    I'll keep an eye on your games and if the time changes I'll be interested for sure, as would other KW regulars.



    ps....keep an eye on Waltsfriend....she'll bring her A game for sure.
  • Count me in.

  • No worries JohnnieH. Its fine. All of your ideas and observations made sense, but I have to set the game up the way it is for certain reasons that I really can't control. Thanks for your input.

    R_Brother1, you will hear from me by the end of the week with more details.

    Still a few spots available.

  • i would like to attend ,what would the payout be?
  • Based on 18 players, 4 will be paid. $225, $125, $60, $40.
  • I will not have computer access for a few days. If anyone would like to sign up for my game on Sunday please PM me and I will get back to you by Friday. I still have a few spots left.

  • My brother would come if there is still a spot for him?
  • Got him on the list...thx.
  • Thanks to all who came out on week 1 and I look forward to seeing all of you next month. Congrats to waltsfriend on the win
  • Correction

    In the original ad I indicated that my regular Sunday game for the month of August would be held on the 17th.....well the 17th is a Monday. Oops!

    So the game will continue to be held on Sunday the 16th of August.

    I apologize for any inconvenience.

    Hope to see some of you then.
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