Milton Poker Tournament - Aug 15th - $100 - 4000 Chips

There is a tournament running Saturday on July 18 (date is now Aug 15th), 2009 in Milton. I will be attending. I am not sure who exactly is running this, but there is a decent structure, and 30 minute blind levels. Link and details below. If you plan to come, it states that you must register online at Hardball Poker Tournament

130 players max


  • Hmmm, interesting, not bad structure, skill of 6 and PF of 10.6. Even the rakes not bad, 16.7% and a "free" lunch is included. Profits appear to go to Milton District Hospital, so good there. I will attempt to find out more as to the organizers and report back... Probably will play this one...
  • Hey, my name is Steve. I'm the organizer of this event... What would you like to know? Ha.

    PS Thanks for advertising Sirus. Be sure to introduce yourself at the tourney!
  • Well I'm assuming that proceeds are going to Milton District Hospital? By the way I'm a moderator on here and are you ok with it being publically posted? I'm also wondering if Mark C is the Mark C I know from Acton?
  • Yes, the net proceeds. There are some costs that have to be covered first like in any tournament. And yes, I'm OK with this tourney being publicly posted.

    Mark C. is from Acton and it is probably who your thinking of. Send me PM and we can exchange names. I'm sure I know you to if you're from Milton!
  • Steve wrote: »
    Hey, my name is Steve. I'm the organizer of this event... What would you like to know? Ha.

    PS Thanks for advertising Sirus. Be sure to introduce yourself at the tourney!

    No problem. I am just happy to help.

    I will be sure to introduce my self to you when I arrive.

    Looking forward to the tournament!
  • Just got this email from the organizers... Looks like they were trying to have it in a licensed establishment... lol... Can't do it.. They will have to find a place that doesn't server booze...


    I regret to inform you that the Hardball Poker Tournament on July 18th, 2009 as been postponed until further notice.

    Canadian gaming laws (that were overlooked by us) prohibit this type of game to be played in a licensed establishment. Google "canadian poker laws" to find out everything for yourself. This was all told to me by an RCMP officer after he was notified about this event. I will be talking to more officers, the town of milton, and lawyers to find out what (if anything) can be done.

    I'll keep you updated and if you have any ideas or suggestions let me know.
  • Ok, this tournament is back on for Aug 15th at 12 noon. Same structure, buyin, charity, etc. You must register online at the website in the 1st post. Location will be sent to those who register, it is in Milton... There is no rake going to the organizers, only to the charity.. I am not an organizer, but do know them and will vouch for their integrity. I will be playing so you may be fighting for 2nd.
  • The date for this tournament is Saturday, August 15th, 2009

    NOT August 8th.

    Sorry for the all the confusion!!
  • Shameless bump for my hometown... 45 now registered according to the website.... Let's get it on and see how much we can raise for the Hospital. All of the $100. entry fee goes to the prizepool.
  • My name is Yama, I am interested to play here.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Let's get it on and see how much we can raise for the Hospital. All of the $100. entry fee goes to the prizepool.

    'scuse my ignorance but how does the hospital benefit from this? If 100% goes to the poker, should we be bringing more $$ to help the hospital out?
  • Black on black works amazing on registration forms:
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    'scuse my ignorance but how does the hospital benefit from this? If 100% goes to the poker, should we be bringing more $$ to help the hospital out?

    Yeah I'm a little lost on that too.

  • Originally we we're going to take $20 from each player to donate to the hospital... This is not happening anymore. If you would like to donate $5 to help out with the costs (chips, pop, rental fees, fixing the registration page (j/k) etc.) you will receive an extra $1000 in chips. We state this in an email before the tournament. If you do not get more chips you will still start the tournament with 80 times the big blind which is more than plenty. So to answer your question - NO, you do not have to bring more than $100.

    And for the website… I'm sorry. Not sure what is going on there. What browser are you using? IE works the best. Fire me an email at and I'll get you looked after.

  • it's coming soon and I pray that my current 3 game streak of being card and flop dead are over!
  • Still black on black if you use Firefox.

    I registered, looks pretty good.
  • Bump anybody else going to this?
  • actyper wrote: »
    Bump anybody else going to this?

    I am, several others from here as well I believe. Also going to Steves in Orangeville tonight as well... Busy time.... Plan on going back to back...
  • I'll be there and I'll go into the game with a "W" from last night under my belt. Hope to ride that wave to the final table tomorrow! :)
  • Congratulations Muddguts for taking down second place! Nice work!
  • Great tournament Steve & Mark, well run, real good location, nice turnout (65+?). Glad to hear you are going to try and run this regularily. I look forward to participating on regular basis. Once Orangeville gets going again on the 30th, I'll make sure the folks there know about this one, maybe we'll get some more people participating in both.
    Myself, not so good results, finished 13th, payed 9., when my QQ couldn't hold up against Mudgutts's dead man's hand... :) Ace on the river and I was dead..
  • I concur with compuease, the tourney was fun and very well organized. Steve's co-director, Mark was a fantastic dealer as well. He definitely had his act together. It still puzzles me though how many times you have to nag players to put in their antes. You ante every single hand for hours and yet you still have to reminded every time? Good grief! lol

    First two hours were torturous for me. Win a small pot here and there and then nothing for a half hour etc...Was down to 2100 in chips before our table broke and then the cards started to come my way. I played very well and had my share of suck-outs that's for sure. I rivered a few of people out of the tourney. Sorry compuease, I knew I was behind before I made the call but it was just one of those gut instinct moves laced with BS luck.

    Went into heads up with a 2:1 chip lead. Went PP vs. higher PP and doubled up my opponent. 4 or 5 really ugly hands passed where I gave up blinds and or got caught stealing then once again a PP vs. a higher PP and it was game over.

    Can't wait to participate in more hardball pocker events in the future!


    EDIT: nice touch with the gold, silver an bronze royal flush medals too! Send me the picyure would you Steve?
  • Yeah nice event. I went out about midway, AK vs AK allin pre :)
  • actyper wrote: »
    Yeah nice event. I went out about midway, AK vs AK allin pre :)

    Heard about that one, AKh made a flush right? Real tough one...
  • there was a lot of noise from various tables throughout the day, sounds like there were some crazy beats.
  • That AK vs AK was me. Got lucky to runner runner flush. I agree that it was a well run event. Lots of poker for the money, half hour blinds are great.
    The play was varied but everyone was real nice, no jerks and everyone took their bad beats well. I will enter another one in a heart beat. (And I can use the 4th place money I won :)
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