Game 2 Player's List

Game 2, Thursday July 9 at 8pm. Hoping to see more new faces out as I've had some pretty good interest the past week or so. Remember, if you know anyone interested in playing, invite them along.

Who's In?

1 - AJ
2 - Keith
3 - Darryl
4 - Jeff
5 - Ed
6 - Kris
7 - Sam
8 - Steve
9 - Joe
10 - Allan
11 - Romer
12 - Dave
13 - Garry
14 - Jay
15 - Rob
16 -
17 -
18 -


  • Redemption.....
  • I'm in. I'm new.

  • Mymoon wrote: »
    I'm in. I'm new.


    Welcome to The Hill, Jeff! PM sent with address and contact number
  • But I will return.

    Milton Slim
  • I have a league game tonight with 9 of my buddies. I don't know if any of them will be interested but I will certainly ask.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    I have a league game tonight with 9 of my buddies. I don't know if any of them will be interested but I will certainly ask.

    Send the invite, the more the merrier. I can hold up to 24 players, its been done.
  • IN...
  • ACDC wrote: »

    Kris...FYI...MGD!! ;)
  • Hey AJ
    I would like to come check it out, Is it cool if I bring 2 guys?

    STR82ACE wrote: »
    Game 2, Thursday July 9 at 8pm. Hoping to see more new faces out as I've had some pretty good interest the past week or so. Remember, if you know anyone interested in playing, invite them along.

    Who's In?

    1 - AJ
    2 - Keith
    3 - Darryl
    4 - Jeff
    5 - Mudgutts
    6 - Kris
    7 -
    8 -
  • samcanada wrote: »
    Hey AJ
    I would like to come check it out, Is it cool if I bring 2 guys?

    Give me their names and I'll add them to the list
    Just remember the age limit though.
  • Steve and Joe
    and we are good on they age thing I am 32 on Saturday

    STR82ACE wrote: »
    Give me their names and I'll add them to the list
    Just remember the age limit though.
  • looking forward to it AJ

    samcanada wrote: »
    Steve and Joe
    and we are good on they age thing I am 32 on Saturday
  • samcanada wrote: »
    looking forward to it AJ

    Remember, cards are in the air at 8pm sharp. If you're not here, you'll be blinded in until the end of the second level, and if you're not here by then, I remove your chips from play.

    Looking forward to having you come out.
  • looks like it's shaping up to be a good game numbers wise.
  • Could be a duo table game...been awhile since that's happened on The Hill

    Still lots of time left to register too. And if need be, I'll get the third table going too ;)
  • i'm in too
  • We will be there
    Can you send me the details in a PM I cant find the one you sent me before
    Do you need anything brought?

    STR82ACE wrote: »
    Remember, cards are in the air at 8pm sharp. If you're not here, you'll be blinded in until the end of the second level, and if you're not here by then, I remove your chips from play.

    Looking forward to having you come out.
  • samcanada wrote: »
    We will be there
    Can you send me the details in a PM I cant find the one you sent me before
    Do you need anything brought?

    PM the second one, made a typo on the first one
  • Haven't heard from Romer yet, but I've sent him an email reminding him he has to bring the junk for the game. Hope he remembers, otherwise I'll pick it up on my way home

    Still plenty of seats available for tonight's game, and new players are always welcome
  • Just heard from Romer...he's a maybe, but Dave is in, so he will bring the snacks.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Kris...FYI...MGD!! ;)

    Ok... but I have to plead ignorance: What is MGD????

  • MGD = Miller Geniune Draft

    Just ask for MGD, they'll get if for you
  • I'll definitely be setting up two tables for tonight, so we have a total capacity of 16 (18 if necessary), so if any more late registration happens, we have room for them.

    Currently, we'll start playing 6 handed and merge at 9 players. This also means a cash table may be open for anyone interested should you bust out.
  • TWO FULL TABLES!!! VERY NICE!! Thanks guys

    But I have to warn a/c set up yet, so its going to be warm in here
  • Welcome to the Hill indeed Muddguts. #@%;!@$!! Out in 15 mins after flopping top set. I should have thought it out a lot more than I did. My game is shit.
  • That was a rather bitter introduction to The Hill, Muddguts...but you can't say we didn't try to warn you...strange shit happens here.

    Darryl redeemed himself for last week's poor performance this week but flopping a nut straight on me first to act and pushing the flop with bottom pair hoping to steal it. I was dead before the turn came. Darryl takes down top spot tonight, I take down second, and Keith has his second money finish in two games with third.

    A lot of new faces tonight, and I hope you all make it out again next week, or whenever you can. It was great having two full tables again. I'll update the spreadsheet and send it out over the weekend.
  • nice going for the runner-up STRA82ACE. If only you had of let me take down the one hand I played with you, I might have had a "chip and a chair" after that beat.

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »


    I dont know much.

    But I know.

    In the history of the world.

    Nobody runs worse than Garry.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Nobody runs worse than Garry.

    Every freakn time...EVERY FREAKN TIME...he ends up getting hammered. I thought I ran bad at times, but Garry takes it w/o lube!
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