History of mainframe computing

For you history enthusiasts, at least of mainframe computing, have a look at this great link. Shows, with pics, a fantastic look back, from the 1930's to the present time, the stuff I grew up with and lived through in my IBM days... 1970-2003. It sure makes me want to go back....

The Harvard Mark I - Picture Story - Tom's Hardware


  • Did you know that "computer" used to be a job title. Found that out reading "Into Thin Air". The guys who used triangulation to first calculate the height of Mt. Everest were "computers". They were very accurate in their findings, too.
  • lol... jk, fascinating to some I'm sure...
  • SevenHigh wrote: »
    lol... jk, fascinating to some I'm sure...
    To know where you are going you need to know where you came from.... Maybe you will understand at some future time..... :)

    I do like the avatar tho, not too old for that!
  • Why, thank you, Jeff. I like my car, too . . .

    What do you mean, the other one?

    oh, . . . right.
  • what car? i only see a minivan
  • What can you expect from a guy who lives where a pick up truck is considered the family car?
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