Is this real? WARNING: Slightly Disturbing


  • Well that was terrible right up until the finish... why am I reminded of when I lost my virginity... anyways...

    I have no clue if that's real or not. My guess is fake because his buddy that shot the arrow didn't react in the slightest. Not sure how they would do it. Maybe the guy that got shot has like a fake eye or something?
  • Looks completely real, but damn, both those dudes standing on the stage had almost no reaction... if I shot someone in the head I'd at least gasp or something or do the "OH SHIT!"
  • FAKE

    First of all, no talent show on earth would allow it, ESPECIALLY with amateurs...with a RECURVE...with NO SIGHTS!!!! Absolute stupidity

    Second, the BEST that particular bow could do would be 40#, but judging by the flex on his draw back, I doubt very much it was much more than 15# at best. Still, 15# is still enough to do SERIOUS damage to a person

    Third the arrow LOOKS fiberglass, and NO target shooter in his right mind would shoot fiberglass at ANYTHING...they tend to shatter on impact and splinter. Also the point looks like a gimic point, one specially made to STICK and NOT puncture.

    Still, I could be wrong and his buddy is dead before he hit the ground and he's up on manslaughter charges and all the judges and crew are in a mental hospital for witnessing such a gruesome stunt. Who knows.
  • Here is another one from that show it looks like:

    YouTube - Mam talent - dowcipny występ
  • He was probably pissed that the guy just kicked him in the hand... or that he talked him into this stupid routine....

    Either way - viral marketing - gotta think its fake.
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