Vista to XP?

I'm fed up with Vista. It came pre-loaded on my laptop and I want to change to XP. I have never changed operating systems "on the go" before. Is there anything I should know or be aware of (besides making sure I back up all my info)?


  • This is a request I get quite a bit. First of all do you have a licensed copy of XP to install? You also need to make sure you have all the appropriate XP drivers available on memory stick or cd for your model. After that it's boot from the xp cd, format the partition and install. If it is an Acer laptop it would most likely have come with the XP cd's in a "downgradeable format. Any questions, just ask....
  • hmm...there is really not a lot to know about doing this, but if you've never done it before it can be kind of daunting. Do you have a copy of xp with a valid code? Why not try the windows 7 RC's free until next year. It's getting really good reviews, and i'm actually using it right now. Windows 7 Release Candidate Customer Preview Program

    backing up your data is paramount, you should also remember to back up your bookmarks and any other program specific stuff that's in memory( old tax files, or ufile data...and if you use firefox you can install "xmarks" and then you will be able to upload your bookmarks to the interwebs, and then redownload the same list when you fire up your new version of FF).

    what else? hmm...i can't think of anything off the top of my head. are you moving your media (music / vids) to a portable hard drive?
  • thanks for the tips and info guys. I admit I didn't think it would be that complicated. I figured I could go to Best Buy, purchase a legit copy of XP and install from there...Since the laptop is new and came with Vista, I wonder if it's possible that there sure no drivers for XP for this model? I would suspect no, but you never know.
  • it's more likely that you wont be able to get XP from anywhere but a 3rd party sales person. (yo uwont be able to get it from best buy or futureshop it's been discotinued except on netbooks).

    Honstley, DL the RC from the link up on my other wont be disapointed, and it's free to test drive until at least april of next year. You wil lhave to pay after that, but for the most part, you'll either love it or you'll hate it..and you'll know before you shell out 150 buck for it (or more).

    If you need a hand with the step by step, PM me and i'll give you my # to answer any questions...

  • once again, thanks for the advice and generous offer Rivaflush. I will definitely give RC a shot and if I get hung up, I'll bellow.

    Might even ask you for a couple of poker tips while I am at it :-)
  • Rivaflush wrote: »
    it's more likely that you wont be able to get XP from anywhere but a 3rd party sales person. (yo uwont be able to get it from best buy or futureshop it's been discotinued except on netbooks).

    Sorry wrong.... XP has NOT been discontinued... lol...
    In the business world XP is the only O/S being used. Vista never caught on for so many reasons and that's the primary reason MS is pushing Windows seven out so quickly (approx 1 year ahead of schedule.) All major distributors, including mine, still carry both XP Home and Pro and will for the foreseeable future... The only reason Best Buy and Futureshop et al generally don't carry XP is because MS is heavily incenting them to sell Vista...
  • okay...well,they keep threatening that it will be discontinued. And, the reality of it is most people (home users) still buy their software from best buy, futureshop, so for people who are weary of "3rd party sales" (or people who generally know what's going on), it has been discontinued.

    The windows 7 RC, at the price of free is a better OS than xp (again, for the regular user), but i would never recomend someone buy vista , or even XP at this point in time. with the win 7 RC out in the wild (both via torrent and the "preview experience" microsoft is offereing) and so that lead me to state that it was discontinued. You can't buy it at the regular mainstream stores, and most of the sales people will look at you funny if you ask them for xp. it would be like asing for win 3.1 when windows ME was released in 2000. (and honestly, i would have preferred win 3.1 at that point..jezus..what the hell were they thinking with ME?)

    All good compuease... :) you are correct, and so am i! you just happen to be more correct in the whole "Fact" department. :)
  • And for those of you interested... This is what all of the business partners and channel lines are being told by Microsoft.... And those business partners are firing right back at MS with, " Don't count on us to ram Windows 7 down corporate throats", in other words let the home market be your guinea pig.. Vista was a fiasco in the business world...

    Microsoft Extends Windows XP Support, Again - Microsoft
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