wwe thread

let's make a new one:)

so latest rumours and schmooze

umaga the latest one to get the axe cause he is a druggie or alkie.

chris masters is suppose to be returning(boy, Randy Orton has alot of pull)

If you seen raw viki is gonzoooooo, she really did quit to spend more time with her daughters(according to reports).


  • phil, you go to the same site I do or one of the one's that steals their work lol.

    As soon as they dropped Umaga the day after the ppv, something was up. They had put way too much effort into building him up to just toss him out on his ass, so it had to be wellness even though they hadn't announced it as such. Felt very similar to the Kurt Angle release.

    I think I actually enjoyed Masters more than most, but I've always enjoyed the big guy matches when they're done right... which he really wasn't doing right towards the last... aww hell, I'm a mark for the full nelson, sue me.

    I really don't blame Vickie for taking off to spend time with her kids, especially if all creative on Raw could do with her was hogpen matches with Santina.

    I'm still curious why they put the belt on Batista when they knew going into the ppv he was injured again and was just going to have to drop the damned belt anyways.
  • Are Batista and Mr Kennedy made of the same glass or something?
  • Yes, yes they are...

    At least Kennedy isn't pushing 40+ years, and can maybe make a career comeback.

    Word is Umaga did in fact violate the wellness policy, 2nd offense, but refused to attend the rehab = boot.

    Also, WWE is looking for a young, attractive female singer (any ethnicity) for ring announcing duties on a regular weekly show... bubye Lilian Garcia?

    My question is, what's with all the "old is new again" in TNA? I don't mean the fact that they're pushing the guys from 20 years ago (sting, Nash, Steiner), but rather, last week on TNA they brought back Raven, Lisa Marie (aka Victoria), and Shane Douglas?

  • By the way all

    I just found out I have an extra ticket for the Ring of Honor show in Toronto, Friday, July 24th.

    The good:

    - 2nd row ringside
    - Bret Hart is advertised to be there
    - ROH is better than anything you'll see on T.V. right now

    The Bad:

    - $36 / ticket
    - You gotta sit with us.
  • talk is rey mysterio also gave his notice, there dropping like flies,lol
  • false rumor...

    Rey's got a bum knee... he's asked for time off to heal up a bit - couple weeks. The rumor started b/c he wasn't at the SD tapings this week.

  • Rey just resigned, if I remember correctly, a couple of months back, but I could easily be wrong.

    Anyone else read Victoria/Tara's (god I hate TNA for that name) post on myspace about some piece of shit site saying she was Benoit's mistress before that horrific weekend? Good lord, that's just fucking wrong.

    Mark, I am going to look into it and see about possibly getting that night off. Might take a couple of favours, but for ROH it would be worth it. I'd say meeting Bret would be too, but I got to work security at a BCW show in Windsor a couple of years back with Bret, Jim and Jimmy Hart. Awesome show, second best one I got to work the rail at. Best was the BCW/TNA show in Windsor where JJ beat Raven for the belt. They didn't tell us that they were going to brawl through the crowd, so it was quite an interesting position trying to keep the audience away, especially since the other security guys were all smaller than me and I'm not the biggest guy on the block to begin with lol.
  • Just an FYI,

    Bret's there, but you need to plunk down an extra like $24 for an autograph ticket for the Hitman

  • Meh, I got to shake his hand last time and heard every conversation he had with all the fans, so while I was volunteering, I think I still got paid pretty well.
  • if anybody here is interested in any wrestling dvds pm me.. ive got a huge selection.. thanks
  • 3 hour raw tonight! lots of rumours going around about tonight:)
  • Fuck I hate three hour Raw's. I work until 10, so I can't watch it until the replay, so I'm up until 3am watching the show, which drastically cuts into my poker productivity. Stupid paradoxes.
  • Ouch...

    Get a laptop and play while watching.. I'm in a monday night mixed game league with the worst players ever... Raw has probably made me like $500 in the last 6 months

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Get a laptop and play while watching.. I'm in a monday night mixed game league with the worst players ever... Raw has probably made me like $500 in the last 6 months


    And you're still down this year?
  • Oh great... here comes the obvious bragging ;)

  • drtyore wrote: »
    oh great... Here comes the obvious needling ;)


  • Ok, this seems like a good idea bad idea kind of situation. Good idea: commercial free Raw next week. Bad idea: listless Donald Trump at the helm. I'll tune in next week to see the possible train wreck of them running for 2 hours straight and how many things could possibly mess up, aside from Donald's lines and his hair.

    Going to have to watch the replay today as I got caught up at a table. It was one of those weird Disney movie moments where everything just happens to come together at the same time. I was about to shut down for the night, playing one last hand. Two people leave the table, which must have had a waiting list as they were instantly filled. I had notes on both the new players. Upon checking said notes, they were as follows:

    Will play every hand. Bets every flop. Will keep betting no matter what. Raise and reraise large amounts on river and he will call.

    So I didn't go to bed until 4am. Only made an extra $30 (.10/.25) as I was unable to get even moderate cards to help me castrate them and then, after one of them donked off their entire stack to me with 93c, the power in my entire neighbourhood went out!
  • do you think it will be good or a flop tonight?
  • It's going to be good, but it's going to feel like the show was 4 hours long without commercials.
  • Agreed.. when the heck am I going to be able to run down for my laundry? :P

    I think tonight will be interesting... IIRC there's an ironman match tonight too... I always like those.

  • got my 7.1 surround ready,lololol

    i am so balla!:)
  • so what did everyone think of raw?

    biggest ratings since jan 2006.

    wish you were there to get a free show?
  • I'm curious if having Trump was a one shot deal.. or that there's something bigger in the works for the "Double what he paid" cost..
  • They're teasing that he'll be back, who knows.

    Personally, I liked Raw, but it was nothing outstanding. I had a friend over watching with me, which is rare, so that made it more fun. It was also fun mocking the obvious product placement of KFC :)

  • Hey all

    Pumped for tonight, the special guest GM will be none other than co-creator of Robot Chicken, and the abused son of Dr. Evil - Seth Green!


    Another person's likely backing out of the Ring of Honor show.. so I have an extra ticket... again. Roughly $36 for the BEST in-ring product you will see, and it's 2nd row ringside guys!!

  • Gotta say, the backstage bit with Seth, HHH and Cena was great, although I could have done without the Santino makeout session with his toys. That was a little weird.

    Best news of the night: ZZ Top hosts next week! Fuck yes!
  • Yes, there is no band more relevant today than ZZ Top.

    As they go, so does the world.
  • Who cares if they're relevant? They're ZZ FUCKING TOP! Nuff said :)
  • see chris jericho almost got attacked again when he was in the ring,lol boy he has to hold the record
  • the segment with zztop seems pre-recoreded ???

    Shaq is hosting this week. With Jeremy Piven or is he the week after?

    Where's the Undertaker? Shawn Michaels?

    I'm sick of seeing the same guys fighting each other week after week.
    Cena, HHH vs Legacy and Orton.
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