Poker Million Spoiler

Jimmy White won and Joe Beevers was runner up.


  • Wasn't that from the last one?

    I do believe this is called Poker Millions II - the "Return of the Millions" or the "Millions Strike Back" or some shit. And I think the snooker pro looses to the guy who chucks all his chips in the air.

    P.S. They all played so poorly. Calling all-in's with Q6 and garbage like that "because I thought he was bluffing."

    Also - Is every guy in Sweden and Denmark an "internet player"? Damn these cats keep popping up all over the place - I was waiting for them to start going -

    "JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" whenever they won a hand.

    Why can't they have a Canadian guy on Poker Millions and then when he is pushed out of a pot by Jac Arama - he can pull his weird rubber vest over his head, yank off the wig and speedbag him Nick Kypreos style...
  • Poker Million II was won by Donnacha O'Dea

    The reason you don't have a lot or any Canadians in the tournament is because it is run and held in the UK by a UK company
  • so the UK founded this darn country can't they show some respect and put a canadian on there silly poker show
  • Azim

    Oh I knew it's a UK show - Ladbrokes was the sponsor. I was just riffing on the fact that having a stereotypical "Canadian" would have been pretty funny, to go alongside all the stoic and boring Nordic types.

    Plus, I almost busted my gut when Teddy Sheringham walked out. I always like Teddy as a footballer - but for pure entertainment value, Vinny Jones or Gazza would have been a sweet heads up opponent for the Devilfish.
  • I agree Gazza would have been a good opponent (Just so we could see him cry when he got knocked out!)

    Another thing about that tournament is that Barry Hearn was asked to co-sponsor it so thats why so many Snooker players played. He owns the Management company that has all of those players.
  • i dont like it:banghead:

    i think Poker Millions is boring :banghead:

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