Guelph/Breslau thursday night game, jun11th

I can host if Jen doesn't want to. Good game last week.

1. Keith
2. Mark
3. Adam
4. AJ
5. Chris
6. Jen
7. Timmeh

Let me know either way


  • Waiting for Breslau...
  • Not looking good. Jen is out and so is the Jen Crew. I'll try and scare up a couple of people but can you talk to the usual suspects Mark? Where's Jimmy?
  • I'm in, iffin you can scare up enough peoples. And yes, I said 'iffin'.
  • I'm in, iffin you can scare up enough peoples. And yes, I said 'iffin'.

    simply awesome tim.

    i'm about 80% for this.. but i won't know 100% until later tomorrow afternoon.
  • errr.. maybe more like the opposite i guess..

    i'm about 20% that i'll be there..
  • are you folks running cash or tourny's?
    I have 3 people possibly
  • is the breslau /guelph game open to new players?
  • Rake-free tourney. 20+5 buy in. 5 for bounty. Usually start with about 7000 in chips. Low stakes cash game if time after tourney.
    New players are welcome.
  • Game on!

    Looks like at least 7-8 players. I'll PM directions to all confirmed.

    Adam get your ass over here for the game.
  • i'm in for sure also! and jen, i will hunt you down.
    i'm just sayin!
  • New guy, let me know if you want in and i'll PM you the address
  • Starbuck:
    I'm just waiting for the other two to confirm
    so I will make that "direction request" when I know.
    How many tables will or can you run?
  • are you in guelph Krugie, or are you hoping this is going to be in breslau?

    As far as tables, this will be a one table game likely... :)
  • No north of you guys in Belgrave/Brussels area
    trying to establish a game a day for the summer
    for myself and one or two others
  • maybe your game will need two seats sometime
    we don't mind last minute if you don't
    just need an hour or so to get there
  • Yeah man Keith will let you know directions
  • yeah.. i can't make it tonight... because i've got some fairly big news.. i'll fill everyone in at next weeks game.

    it'll make more sense why i can't make it tonight.. when you hear the news.

    hope it's a good game.
  • Way to leave us hanging dude!
  • WTF? what is the news?
  • so.. the 18th? is it going to happen?
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