Punch Out

I may be out of the loop, but the greatest video game of all time is on WII, and I just saw the commercial.

I will own this before the weekend.

I also may be aroused.

That is all.


  • Glass Joe is still easy as hell :)
  • Haven't gotten the chance to pick it up yet. I did, however, pick up the new Bionic Commando. Pretty fun, but the gun system sucks.
  • I grabbed it... it's an amazingly fun yet FRUSTRATING GAME!
  • There's new stuff coming out from EA as well as Nintendo that is supposed to make the punching more accurate. I think it's coming around July/August. I know that frigging boxing on Wii Sports nearly gave me a heart attack from me getting so pissed. Damned thing wouldn't stop making me punch the guy in the nuts. I mean, it was funny when it was working, but then it just kept missing and I would take a beating.
  • Oh, you misunderstand..

    it's not frustrating in that the controls don't work (they seem fine overall, but I switched to the "classic" control to avoid permanent joint damage), but more that fucking Don Flamenco!

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Oh, you misunderstand..

    it's not frustrating in that the controls don't work (they seem fine overall, but I switched to the "classic" control to avoid permanent joint damage), but more that fucking Don Flamenco!


    I assume you mean TD Don .. also Punchout with the Wii balance board has to be one of the most impossible things ever.
  • You can use the fucking balance board?! Awesome!
  • Yea, I haven't tried the balance board, and yes, title defense guys are fucking difficult...

    I don't think I've managed to beat ANY of them the second time around without at least 1/2 a dozen tries.

  • man i love the original punchout, and super punchout was pretty good as well. must get the wii punchout now for sure!!
  • Got it today and started playing it with my 6 year old son after dinner. We're just going to bed now. Doh! Needless to say, the wife's not too happy
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    I assume you mean TD Don .. also Punchout with the Wii balance board has to be one of the most impossible things ever.

    This is the most useful thread in years -- just ran out and bought it -- I love it with the wii balance board
  • Currently 16-14. Haven't done one "practice". Tiger made me switch to classic control from motion. Super Macho Man gave me some trouble, but I've got him figured now, KO in under 2 mins.

    Sandman is a beast however. Looks a little like Kimbo Slice except for the square head. He's gonna take a couple of tires!
  • Hey everyone.

    Are there any new characters on the game? I remember playing punchout back in the day. lol. Tyson always gave me trouble at the end but eventually beat it. Might have to buy a wii now. Hmmm well on second thought maybe not. The wii just isn't my thing. Too much of a workout. I just want to play a simple game.
  • One new character: Disco Kid.. the rest are recycled from the NES punch out, or the SNES Super Punch out.

    BTW.. you can opt for a non-active controller scheme (i.e., turn the controller sideways and hit buttons instead)

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