Terminator Salvation

Ok, I'll try and write this without any spoilers which means it will be more boring. Anyway, went to see this tonight and wasn't that impressed. I would say 6/10 if I had to rate it. Sure there was some good action, but some things were just so cheezy and unrealistic that I think it kinda killed the movie for me. Why can't they try and make these things much more believable. Sure, I know its robots, but even with that they can make things much more "realistic".

Anyone else see it... thoughts?


  • Man do I ever agree with you...


    Will someone please tell me why in the FUCK they always need to have a happy ending? This is arma-fucking-geddon!! So skynet develops an infiltration model ? Cool! But then a robot has a moral fucking dilemma? NO!!! Have the robot feel bad, get into the base, and then "Click" --> Initiating "fuck up their shit protocal".

    Personally, I would have loved to see them infiltrate the base, and have it end with Connor sending Reese back in the time machine to complete the time loop... but then where do you go for a sequel?

  • I did in fact like this movie but mainly because of the unreal graphics, the nonstop action, and the acting (Bale is my favorite actor - no homo)....anyways, that being said, I was pretty much lost plotwise because I've only seen the first terminator, and it was quite a while ago, and haven't seen the others....

    SPOILER (highlight following paragraph):
    I also thought that they had completely finished off SKYNET and the world was safe, then suddenly you hear Bale talking about how SKYNET is still out there and they still need to fight them.......I was like WTF didn't you just bomb the shit out of them and get rid of all the robots........I guess I missed something or it was just an excuse for them to make 5 more of these.....
  • Here is where I thought it went wrong: (SPOILER TEXT)

    - The girl saving Marcus Wright going against the people she trusts her life with
    - They had 1 robot fighting back against them in the FUCKING ROBOT FACTORY!
    - They allowed Marcus Wright robot to go back and "save" Connor... come on with all that technology they couldn't just disable the robot after its mission was complete???
    - They bomb the shit out of the main building and like you guys mentioned now they set it up for a sequel.
    - Numerous tosses of humans into steel walls and them getting back up to fight
    - That the robots couldn't kill anything

    The list goes on...
  • Graham wrote: »
    Here is where I thought it went wrong: (SPOILER
    Graham wrote: »

    - The girl saving Marcus Wright going against the people she trusts her life with
    - They had 1 robot fighting back against them in the FUCKING ROBOT FACTORY!
    - They allowed Marcus Wright robot to go back and "save" Connor... come on with all that technology they couldn't just disable the robot after its mission was complete???
    - They bomb the shit out of the main building and like you guys mentioned now they set it up for a sequel.

    - Numerous tosses of humans into steel walls and them getting back up to fight
    - That the robots couldn't kill anything

    The list goes on...

    Completely agree with this list, especially that only one robot was fighting back in a robot factory (lol),
    but let's face it.....if this movie was anything close to reality, the truth would be that all humans would be totally screwed and those robots would clearly be able to kill all of us.....
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