SNL Celebrity Jeopardy 09 Edition

If you ever watched the old ones of these you will remember how funny they were... anyway, they have a new one for 2009 (staring: Will Ferrell, Tom Hanks, Norm Mc Donald):
YouTube - Celebrity Jeopardy


  • These were a clear favourite of mine for SNL sketches, they were hilarious. This one sadly wasnt very good. Really nothing new and extremely predictable. Luckily Burt made an appearance, he was always the best. Still funny though :thumbsup:
  • Nothing will ever be better than:

    Anal bum cover.

    That is all.
  • I loved "I'll Take The Rapist for $400" from the old ones... so funny.
  • Anyone else notice how with every successive time they do the celebrity jeopardy, the guy doing the Connery impression gets exponentially worse? The guy in this one was just pathetic. My hope is that they are building to actually having Connery on the show, as him making cracks about Alex Trebek's mom would be absolutely hilarious.
  • Burt Reynolds > Connery. Those early episodes were great.
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