please use your head

long weekend is here and so is the stupidity.

Please guys slow down and use common sense this weekend, my dad was involved in a car accident today cause some stupid bimbo was not paying attention. He is o.k., he got hit from behind, so far it's going to be 3 grand to fix, it was not his fault so hopefully he don't get dinged on insurance, the other driver was only a G2, so she is in alot of shit.

But can people like wake the fuck up and use some brain cells.


  • Sorry to hear phil, but, glad to hear he is ok.
  • Sorry to hear... if she hit him from behind it should be a clear cut case. Good thing he wasn't hurt. Agree about taking it easy over the weekend. Remember, over .05 you are legally intoxicated and will have your licenses suspended. To estimate your BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) here is a calculator:
    BAC Blood Alcohol Content Level Calculator
  • OPRC wrote: »
    Sorry to hear phil, but, glad to hear he is ok.

    +1. Hope all is well.

    Stupid drivers like that are the reason cops are always doing road checks/speed traps today.
  • Glad he's okay, but stay with this to make sure she gets charged with everything that applies, up to and including reckless driving.

    I got hit from behind once, and the at fault driver got off because of the weather (sun showers made the road wet). The officer totally neglected the fact that her car was actually BEHIND a car that swerved to avoid hitting mine (I was stopped at the end of a line of traffic that had not started moving on the fresh green).

    Coles Notes: Cops do not always do the logical thing
    Stay on their case to make sure they do, otherwise your insurance may screw you anyway.
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