Everybody got their taxes done?

Today's the last day for filing......

Argh. Once again I still haven't gone through the piles of papers/receipts yet. Why oh why am I such an idiot when it comes to this stuff.

Anyone have a personal preference for tax software for self employed income earners? I think I need to make the investment this year.


  • I did mine all last weekend... soo glad its done. I am the same way with the papers. I just use a spreadsheet to keep track of expenses and revenue since I don't have a whole lot of either, but I am sure something like quickbooks would do the same. And hey, its probably a write-off anyway ;)
  • Ufile for $20; very easy and lot cheaper than quicktax. Not too happy with the $2,500 I owe the tax man.
  • Can you have a brag in the off topic lounge?

    Have always been owed money from the government every time I file. Thing is, my wife has either been unemployed or in school all of those times, so I think I'd rather be paying taxes and having us make more throughout the year. But the $1600 that they owe me this year is still quite nice. Were my wife not in school, even with all the damned RRSP contributions I made, I would have owed $1500.
  • Were my wife not in school, even with all the damned RRSP contributions I made, I would have owed $1500.

    Must be nice to have a capital gain or two..
  • Thanks for the reminder... better go do this years taxes. I should do last years too while I am at it.
  • Taxaments.jpg

    Haha I came about 0.5 seconds away from posting my checking account # on the interwebs.
  • Cadi, you rock.
  • I got 4K coming back from taxes but I moved April 1 and had issues changing my address with them and I want to file on line. Got it all resolved yesterday so I'm going to file this weekend. They owe me another 3.4K from other issues.
  • I think I definitely hate you now Caddy :( <--- jealous
  • lol, neg brag here, I guess that's a beat... My wife and I had to pay 8K,,, :(
  • Still haven't sent in the taxes. But I am playing 4 tables $50 DoN's right now.
  • Just got the refund today. Off to the track . . .
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