Taking responsibility

This woman is sick, and in her illness is making me want to puke...

Gambling addict files $10M suit | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

Not sure if this specific case has been posted on here, but I'm sure cases like it have been at some point. So, forgive me if this is old news.

Ya know, I worked for close to ten years in almost every prison in BC attempting to help people with their addiction issues (no, I wasn't a guard). I knew people hooked on every drug imaginable. I also knew people who'd gambled hundreds of thousands of other peoples dollars away due to gambling addiction. I lost count of the number of people I knew who'd killed themselves over addiction issues a long time ago. When I see people trying crap like this, it's almost insulting to every person who's actually trying to take responsibility for their lives and problems.

I'm hesitant to say 'suck it up. You're a thief and a liar and an addict. That's not a judgement, it's a fact. Own your addiction and do something about it.' Some would say that's too harsh. Those people don't have a clue what addiction is really about. Obviously it's not that simple an issue to deal with, but you have to start somewhere, and taking ownership of your problem is the logical starting point.

Anyhoo, I don't even want to write anything else about this... It just makes me angry. I hope she goes to jail and gets the help she so obviously needs. I also hope she gets a 'therapeutic kick in the ass' at her first meeting with a counselor, when she tries to sell them her reasons for stealing from her former employer. Unfortunately, she'll probably get provincial time and won't even see someone until a week before she's released.

Gambling addiction is a problem that doesn't make many headlines. There's not as many programs or options available for this specific issue compared to similar problems. Sad but true. At a minimum, people could at least be honest with themselves.


  • I agree that people should take responsibility for their own actions, but she may have a case if she had herself put on the self-ban list or if they did go over the top to lure her in (I know though, she should still make that decision). I think there is a class action going on for that right now. It could definitely have an impact on comp systems though if she does win ;)

    Another cool case of someone suing a casino is this one:
    Australian High Roller Sues Casino for 30 Million (a bit different story though)
  • good luck suing the Ontario gov't; waste of time
  • Aside from losers who steal to gamble then sue the casino, the lowest form of gambling addicts are those who leave their small child in the car for hours, sometimes with dangerous temperatures, just so they can gamboool. This seems to happen a lot at Canadian and other casinos. A 10-day-old baby suffocated in a vehicle while her mother gambled at a casino.

    - Baby left for hours in freezing car outside Canadian casino
    - Mother charged at Casino Rama
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    good luck suing the Ontario gov't; waste of time

    Not necessarily, you'd be surprised to know that there have been at least 10 cases of people suing government run casinos that have had their cases settled before it hit court. Most if not all had put themselves on the self exclusion (ban) program but continued to gamble away. There are lawyers now that specialize in these cases.
  • I also get tired of the government (lawyers) trying to legislate against stupidity and restricting the freedom of logical people.
    At the same time let's change it to GUILTY BY REASON OF INSANITY.
  • Does it mean I have a problem when the first thing I think is "Someone want to take odds that she'll be successful"???
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