I could win a house

A local barrie station has a house winning contest now. 500 listeners win a key for a $250,000 house. Friday I qualified.... so now on to the easy part, getting the key to open the house door :)


  • Good luck... try and find someone in the station to pay off and rig the contest for you... could be +ev ;)
  • Rock 95 is the best RADIO STATION EVER!!!

    (Shameless Plug)

    I know one of the announcers, Mr. Randy Richards himself.

    GL Acid Joe...Hope you win it!
  • u can buy a house for 250k?
  • Go for the chop.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    u can buy a house for 250k?

    Not in the GTA... I guess in Barrie you can.
  • Yes you can my current house is worth about $260,000. I just hope it's still worth that when I try and sell it next April.

    BTW it's small it's a 2 bedroom 1400 sq ft bungalow
  • Joe, since when did you need a KEY to get into a house? don't you just stumble through an open window anyway? ;)

    good luck!
  • good luck; hopefully this will set the stage for the return of the Crown Casino!
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    good luck; hopefully this will set the stage for the return of the Crown Casino!

    Nice to see I was not the only one who thought:
    Free House = Gambling Den

    Good luck, Joe . . .
  • LOL, great comment Jah..... Joe wins a house re opens the crown casino...... fine work my friend :)
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    LOL, great comment Jah..... Joe wins a house re opens the crown casino...... fine work my friend :)

    I think I am getting the hang of this site, finally. Avoid starting threads and just throw out the odd sarcastic comment once in a while. Seems to be working. I guess you will need to come up with a new name if you win. Hopefully someone doesn't win the house before you get your turn at the door.
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