


  • Milo wrote: »
    Kristy, adults can choose to disagree without the need for name calling.
    Milo wrote:
    That is the sort of asinine logic that makes you seem a lot dumber than you actually are.

    Didn't read remainder since first sentence already so tragically flawed. Kindly accept guilt, correct and resubmit for consideration.

    Using less interesting words doesn't make you different, you're still insulting first making point later: own that you're being a preachy self-righteous douche just the same as I am or GTFO.
  • Calling your logic asinine is not the same as calling you asinine. Would you have preferred the word flawed?

    Might be preaching, as you are, but I am at least doing so from a more tolerant pulpit (not to mention correct) than thou.

    You may consider that a mea culpa, but until you are willing to argue rationally, you should GTFO, and I do not care if this is "your" Sub-Forum.

    Off to my dinner, and home game. Enjoy your weekend folks. Yes, even Kristy. I cannot stay mad at the girl . . . :)
  • I firmly believe marriage is between one man and one woman.
    But I voted for option 3 because I am an equally firm believer in the separation of marriage and state. Government has no business telling anyone who they can and cannot 'marry' or live with or whatever.
    Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I firmly believe that the above statement is equivalent to saying "I believe I should be allowed to own slaves and hate black people"

    It should be a hate crime to actively work against gay marriage.

    Please tell me you read my entire post and realize I am not against gay marriage, but that you are just making a general statement.

    If I believed 'thoughtcrime' was a legitimate concept as you do, then I would say it should be against the law to be so intolerant of the intolerance of others. Oh, I meant to say 'hate crime' there.

    Any adult should be free to live in whatever arrangement s/he wants with other consenting adults. They should suffer no State discrimination, tax benefits or penalties based upon which religious ceremonies (in this discussion, marriage) they have participated in. However, any private individual should be free to discriminate in any way s/he chooses. I should be free to say no women may come to my golf club. You may choose not to allow Baptists in your restaurant. Freedom of association by definition includes the freedom not to associate.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Calling your logic asinine is not the same as calling you asinine. Would you have preferred the word flawed?

    Srsly, try to get past the first line:

    One entry found.

    Main Entry:
    Latin asininus, from asinus ass
    15th century
    1 : extremely or utterly foolish <an asinine excuse>
    2 : of, relating to, or resembling an ass

    synonyms see simple
    — as·i·nine·ly adverb
    — as·i·nin·i·ty \ˌa-sə-ˈni-nə-tē\ noun

    Again, didn't read past the fatal error. Stop defending it, you're 100% an ass, as am I.
  • Big Mike wrote: »
    You may choose not to allow Baptists in your restaurant. .

    Lets keep this relevant, making anologies that are so far fetched helps no one. I mean does ANYONE actually like Baptists?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    1 : extremely or utterly foolish <an asinine excuse>
    2 : of, relating to, or resembling an ass.

    Pretty much sums up your end of the debate nicely.

    Liked your comment Mike. So many people fail to make that distinction regarding freedom of association.
  • Milo wrote: »

    Liked your comment Mike. So many people fail to make that distinction regarding freedom of association.

    Freedom of association still doesn't prevent you from being a racist/sexist/idiot. Associate with whomever you want. You ARE free to. You are free to eat your own shit. Doesn't mean it's something to aspire to. Some people fail to make that distinction.
  • Never said it did. I just prefer my racists to be honest about it. I want to know a person's biases up front. I hate the sort of person who will scream for equality for all when, what they really mean, is "equality for me, but not for thee." Those are the people who can go fuck themselves.
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