for the plumbers

I don't like to gear my posts to the forumers, but I'd like to make an exception because I was told that there are a ton of plumbers that read this forum. So, I worked up a joke especially for the plumbers. Now, those of you who aren't plumbers probably won't get this and won't think it's funny, but I think those of you who are plumbers will really enjoy this. So, if you're not a plumber, please, just bear with me cause I would like to do this for the plumbers. Here we go:

This lawn supervisor was out on a sprinkler maintenance job, and he started working on a Findlay sprinkler head with a Langstrom 7 inch Gangly Wrench. Well, just then his little apprentice leaned over and said, "You can't work on a Findlay sprinkler head with a Langstrom 7 inch wrench." Well, this infuriated the supervisor, so he went and got volume 14 of the Kinsley Manual. And he reads to him and says, "The Langstrom 7 inch wrench can be used with a Findlay sprocket." Just then the little apprentice leaned over and said, "It says SOCKET, not SPROCKET!"

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


  • Steve!!!!
  • The 2 things they teach at plumbers school.

    1. Payday is Friday
    2. Don't put your tools in your mouth
  • love them? hate them? does it impact the water pressure? thoughts?
  • and now one about electricians.

    A little boy was home all day and bothering his mother. Finally she got feed up and told the young man to go next door where they were building a house.

    He went over there for about 3 hours and then came home. His mother asked him if he had learned anything while he was over there. He replied that he had learned how to frame in a door.

    How do you do that, his mother inquired?

    Well first, he said, You take the fucking frame and put the bitch up to the opening for a dry fit. If the fucker is too tight then you should shave about a cunt hair off both sides and force the fucker back in place. Once that is done hammer the shit out of it and your done.

    That is the worst language I have ever herd his mother said. Go upstairs and wait till your father comes home.

    Sure enough an hour later the father comes home and mother tells the dad to go upstairs and ask the boy how to frame in a door.

    The father is told the procedure by the boy. There is a minutes silence as the father decides what to do. Finally the father says to the son. Son, that is the worst language I have ever herd.

    Go outside and get me a switch!

    The son replies. Fuck that, that is the electricians job!

  • cadillac wrote: »
    The 2 things they teach at plumbers school.

    1. Payday is Friday
    2. Don't put your tools in your mouth

    3. Shit goes downhill
    4. You will always been known as a Turd Herder
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