$30k Overlay Tourney at Aced

FYI Aced is running a $50k Guaranteed on Sundays. Last week there were $30k in overlays!!!!

It is a $100-rebuy (max 3 rebuys) and starts at 15:00 server time tomorrow (I believe 4pm est).

I will definitely be playing, so if anyone else is going to play post your username here.


  • why are rebuys limited?
  • Soup wrote: »
    why are rebuys limited?

    To be honest I have no idea... and the tournament is also limited to 300 for some reason. Will have to ask about these... don't make sense to me.
  • ITM... currently 14/20
  • Out in 11th... fuckin bubble for prize pool jump, still made $500 but shoulda been more :(

    brandonisno1 Posted Ante 100.00
    Floesh Posted Ante 100.00
    2PAC06150 Posted Ante 100.00
    rhinoluvyou Posted Ante 100.00
    clint222 Posted Ante 100.00
    rhinoluvyou Posts SB 2500.00
    clint222 Posts BB 5000.00
    brandonisno1 All In 32454.00
    Floesh Folds
    2PAC06150 Folds
    rhinoluvyou Folds
    clint222 All In 23714.00
    brandonisno1 Shows AK
    clint222 Shows KK

    Flop Q9553 - AKA FML
    3740.00 returned to brandonisno1 from pot 2
    clint222 Won 60428.00 from pot 1 with Two Pair Kings and Fives
  • Arghh that's pretty rough but still a sick finish, can you comment on how tough/soft the field was, etc?
  • The field was very easy... I'd say there were a handful of decent players, but the avg player was garbage. Only 30 people rebought so I assume most that played qualified from a satellite and wouldn't normally play these tourneys.
  • That's good to hear. I just signed up and got rakeback through <SITE REMOVED>. BTW, what method did you use to deposit? I'm thinking of using click2pay but haven't used it before, any suggestions?
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    That's good to hear. I just signed up and got rakeback through xxxxxx. BTW, what method did you use to deposit? I'm thinking of using click2pay but haven't used it before, any suggestions?

    FYI if you haven't made a deposit we do offer rakeback for aced here and it would be nice if you could support the forum. The more members that signed up here, the more willing Aced will be to give the forum things like freerolls and special tournaments.
  • Another one with a massive overlay.. $30 buyin.. starts in 15 minutes $860 overlay...
  • By Jove that's amazing! Arghhhh I wish I wasn't in school, I'd snap-register for that.
    Good luck if you're playing in it, TID!
  • Snap I just registered for Titan dunno if I wanna split my bankroll...is there enough of these to make it worth it?
  • Regulator wrote: »
    Snap I just registered for Titan dunno if I wanna split my bankroll...is there enough of these to make it worth it?

    Apparently these are a daily occurence.
  • Damn guess I'll split the bank roll, parents will think I'm a real degenerate :P
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