Maybe It's Just Society's Influence

I had been looking for another regular game to play in as the group I play with from work get ridiculously crazy and, since we all work together, they just pay each other back on payday. Unfortunately, it tends to take 3 or 4 paydays to clear it off, so games are irregular at best.

I posted here on the forum and got a msg telling me about a game. It was 1/2 NLHE, same rake as the casino but no hour drive + car rental. Sweet... but this is Toronto, so I proceeded with caution.

I e-mailed back and forth with the guy a couple of times and then called to get an address. I was told the location and that I should call when I got there to get in. I explained that I didn't have a cell phone and would need the info now. After a brief silence, I got the info and agreed to be there for 9pm for the game.

When I arrived, it was a well set up place near the top of one of Toronto's many giant towers. I introduced myself and sat down to have a fun night of poker. Barely after the first hand was dealt, the hosts began to probe for information. How long have I been playing, am I a regular at casinos, how long had I been posting on pokerforum, that sort of thing. It suddenly occurred to me that I was in a human and wolf scenario: they were just as worried about me being some crazy as I was about them.

At the end of the night, $200 lighter unfortunately, the host asked about why I didn't have a cell phone, with a bit of a weird tone. Only then did I realize that, because of having Roger's home phone, my number is 647-xxx-xxxx, generally reserved for cell phone's.

I blame society for causing all the caution. Gone are the days of randomly finding people on the internet willing to lose money to you at poker. It's a shame.


  • who are you and how did you hear about this place?
  • Underground games are justifiably paranoid. The first time I made it out to a WSPC event, Prophet22 thought I was a narc. Same thing with a new tourney place I found a couple of weeks back. I blame Big Brother (no, not the lame Reality TV show . . .).
  • I find some clubs are getting a bit more careful but what is funny is some clubs post their phone number on facebook, meetup, etc. and when you call them to play in their game, they give you a no-business attitude. Pretty stupid.
  • This was my first experience playing outside of the work/casino/online environments, so I was being somewhat cautious. I just found it quite hilarious that we were all equally suspicious of each other. Still, aside from the lost 200, a very good experience.
  • Interesting situation. Good you shared it.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Gone are the days of randomly finding people on the internet willing to lose money to you at poker.

    Oh, I don't know. They found you, didn't they?
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    Oh, I don't know. They found you, didn't they?

    True in theory, except I cleaned them out the next week for $700 :)
  • Most places now like some sort of referral system (know someone in the community to bring you in)

    I know most places I play I always see one or 2 people I have played with before in another location. It also helps to know some owners and card dealers because they basically rotate around the city dealing games and supporting each other's clubs.
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