MCMATTO Deal in SCOOP Event-8h

What do you think of this deal?

Details here:
MCMATTO Deal - WTF? (use second link Thanks G2)


  • I watched them during the dealing... He was asking for $425k minimum... but then just decided $410k was enough...

    I assume his thinking was as long as he gets a few G's more than 2nd place would get he's happy... And if he wins the extra 60g is good too!

    If they didnt make the deal and he happened to come 2nd he'd only get $393k... I'm sure that had something to do with it.
  • Originally Posted by Dan87
    if he thinks that the other players are way better than him and he is in over his head maybe locking up 410k will improve his play rather than theirs. maybe he will be able to play aggressive 3 handed knowing its for 60k more rather than a possible 250k swing.

    1st im drunk righ tnow....

    2nd exactly my thinking....

    this is over 10x my biggest score ever. Where we first started replaying after talking chops i knew i was playing with scared money and would not play my A game. I knew i had better chance of getting the 470k if i took the chop vs playign with scared money 3 handed w/ guys who woudl be playing at me VERY aggressive knowing i would play with scared money...

    Do i know i took a bad Deal ? YES ABSOLUTELY

    But i thought my ev was better as in 1) i was playing vs 2 great opponets and 2) if i diddnt take the deal i would be playing scared and would not play my normal game.... which i did afetr i took the deal..

    Simple anwser... if im in the same situation tomorrow i dont take the deal. But with the roll i have it was money i needed to have

    want to send my sister to best friends wedding in Greece

    also Dad is within a couple years of retirement so want to make that happen.

    The deal is not something i wanted to do but felt it gave me the best chance to win the tournament as it took some pressure off..

    again im drunkk
  • DasCoupe wrote: »
    I watched them during the dealing... He was asking for $425k minimum... but then just decided $410k was enough...

    I assume his thinking was as long as he gets a few G's more than 2nd place would get he's happy... And if he wins the extra 60g is good too!

    If they didnt make the deal and he happened to come 2nd he'd only get $393k... I'm sure that had something to do with it.

    Actually at one point, pokerjammer and nfc11 offered what ended up being the deal, 410, 390 and 380 to which he replied he wouldnt do any less then 435K. He then gave up the 25k as if he had given up on bargaining, but went on to bag the extra 60k anyways brining him to 470k
  • 1st im drunk righ tnow....

    ...does this explain the raise over the top with KQ? (nice hit by the way)
  • I think I would have to agree with Timex. Unless you have satellited into that tourney (myself as an example) and have never really come across a 6 figure pay day (once again myself as an example) you tend to think differently at the heat of the moment.

    I have many times in live tournies made what I consider "stupid deals" due to the fact:

    a) I was comfortable with what I was getting (basically I am the one offering the deal, and I chose a number that I really wanted)

    b) It looks like the only thing that is going to break the tourney is a collision hand otherwise we are spreading chips around and just having the blinds creep up on us. (No matter how many times you steal, you end up having to fold sometimes as well just because your hand isn't strong enough 3-4-5 handed)

    c) The game has dragged on for multiple hours and I just want to go home. There is always next week and I will most likely be in this position again in the near future.

    One notable deal was when I was in the Venetian Saturday 550.00, I had basically satellited my way in and was way over my roll at the time, I was short stacked the whole tourney basically in and out of life support. We got the final table and I was the shortest stack. They were paying top 9 and they wouldn't chop off 500 from first place to pay 10th.

    Long story short I battled all the way back and was first place overall 5 handed but the difference between everyone's chip stack was maybe 50-100K max with the blinds at 5K-10K with ante.

    We ended up chopping 5 ways and I picked up 8K...bad deal when I look back at it, totally, but at the time 8K to me was amazing....needless to say Vegas was a lot more fun after that....
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