Top ten..

This a part drunk dial/part re-enactment of me at an open mike tonight:

Top ten things you wouldn't here me say:

10) Do you have this in a small?
9) Are you 18?
8) I can't do that much coke.
7) What are the seasonal vegetables tonight?
6) Do you have this in a medium?
5) I can't afford you.
4) That looks way too tight for me.
3) I'll call you tomorrow.
2) I didn't mean that.
1) I'm sorry.

It was a 4 minute bit, it went really well because I had 15-20 people in the crowd who knew me. I had my friend (DD) Andy type this. He is avoiding the mess of consonants and shit everywhere. It's funny because he is typing anything I say, Andy is gay. What a fucking homo, I can't believe I keep having to turn him down gently. Poor Andy. At least he is Nova Scotian.

Love or hate me, this went really well tonight.


  • I'm pretty sure you said 5) to me once.

    Being Nova Scotian:
    [X] means you can't spell 'hear'
    [X] means you want gay secks with Haddon
    [ ] redeeming
  • If you don't say #7 at least once in a while, you are truly missing out. I suggest adding it into your vernacular.
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