Top ten..
This a part drunk dial/part re-enactment of me at an open mike tonight:
Top ten things you wouldn't here me say:
10) Do you have this in a small?
9) Are you 18?
8) I can't do that much coke.
7) What are the seasonal vegetables tonight?
6) Do you have this in a medium?
5) I can't afford you.
4) That looks way too tight for me.
3) I'll call you tomorrow.
2) I didn't mean that.
1) I'm sorry.
It was a 4 minute bit, it went really well because I had 15-20 people in the crowd who knew me. I had my friend (DD) Andy type this. He is avoiding the mess of consonants and shit everywhere. It's funny because he is typing anything I say, Andy is gay. What a fucking homo, I can't believe I keep having to turn him down gently. Poor Andy. At least he is Nova Scotian.
Love or hate me, this went really well tonight.
Top ten things you wouldn't here me say:
10) Do you have this in a small?
9) Are you 18?
8) I can't do that much coke.
7) What are the seasonal vegetables tonight?
6) Do you have this in a medium?
5) I can't afford you.
4) That looks way too tight for me.
3) I'll call you tomorrow.
2) I didn't mean that.
1) I'm sorry.
It was a 4 minute bit, it went really well because I had 15-20 people in the crowd who knew me. I had my friend (DD) Andy type this. He is avoiding the mess of consonants and shit everywhere. It's funny because he is typing anything I say, Andy is gay. What a fucking homo, I can't believe I keep having to turn him down gently. Poor Andy. At least he is Nova Scotian.
Love or hate me, this went really well tonight.
Being Nova Scotian:
[X] means you can't spell 'hear'
[X] means you want gay secks with Haddon
[ ] redeeming