Moose $40 for $40k Sat. May 16 Cambridge



  • I will have a similar spring tourney but I haven't started negotiating with the wife yet.
  • sign me up plz
  • I answered one of those Zimbabwe emails letting me know that I had won the lottery. After transferring them $1200 in fees for the lawyers they came through big time.

    So I am adding $6 Billion to the prize pool for this tourney. Not quite a freeroll but there will be a $6 Billion overlay guaranteed.

  • moose wrote: »
    I answered one of those Zimbabwe emails letting me know that I had won the lottery. After transferring them $1200 in fees for the lawyers they came through big time.

    So I am adding $6 Billion to the prize pool for this tourney. Not quite a freeroll but there will be a $6 Billion overlay guaranteed.

    Sweeeet!! Sign me up. ;)
  • Well, at least you have something to use if you run out of TP on your next camping trip . . .

    Seriously, though, a brick of those would be kinda cool. Prolly worth about a nickel, maybe a dime $US . . .
  • now thats what i call i a prize pool!
  • i wouls love to play so count me in!
  • i wouls love to play so count me in!

    So do you have a time machine?:o
  • I was very worried when I saw this thread this morning.
  • Gawd...check the date on the OP people!

    Could a mod please lock this thread so these idiots stop registering for a tournament that happened 11 months ago?
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