Beter Medical Research and easier access to the M.A.P.

I try to be on best behavior at all times because I’m Catholic. When I fail God and decide to listen to the devil within I enjoy a few cocktails, loose women and all out debauchery. Now, will all the money they pour into saving and healing people who have AIDS and cancer, could they not set a little aside that would help me out?

There used to be a pill I would buy in Vegas that was a hangover cure
(Can't find it anymore, probably banned by the FDA). It might have just had a placebo effect but I don’t care, as long as I feel great. Why can’t they invest some time into making it so you can party until 6AM, take the pill, wake up at 8AM and not be sweating out Jack Daniels all day. I hate the days when I bring my midget to work, I feel so run down. I want a cure!

In Canada alone there were 79,000 accidents that involved an impaired driver in 2006. Over 2,000 people killed and another 17,500 seriously injured. Why not ship some of the cash they spend on medical research on a pill you can take when you leave the bar that will allow you to operate a vehicle for 30 minutes. Imagine that! No more madd moms.

As Compuease knows, Viagra and Cialis do not work when you are drunk. In fact, I don’t think you are even supposed to try such a scenario. If a little money was set aside to come up with a cure for the dreaded, ‘it’s not you’ conversations caused by Whiskey Dick complications; a lot more men could engage in many more disappointing sexual experiences with the women they’ve convinced to sleep with them.

I want a world where I do not have to responsible in my personal life and can still perform like a champ at work. Speaking of being responsible, the morning after pill should be available without having to tell the pharmacist a story. I am sick of driving around town, pharmacy to pharmacy with one of my female friends in order to stock up on morning after pills so I can crush it up in random chicks eggs the next morning.


  • You probably would have if it wasn't for all those eggs. :D
  • These pills you are proposing would also potentially reduce the odds of this baby being created in the first place though... hmmm
  • Where's the beat there?
  • haddon wrote: »
    Where's the beat there?

    Hahaha.... didn't mean it like that. Just meant things like that are more likely to happen with alcohol involved. My bad.
  • haddon wrote: »
    Where's the beat there?

    I was expecting a, 'In your case, none.' reply.
  • haddon wrote: »
    As Compuease knows, Viagra and Cialis do not work when you are drunk.
    Won't help you Josh... They only get you back to your original size.... Microns are not really measurable....

    and over/under on whether or not Josh makes it to 21?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Won't help you Josh... They only get you back to your original size.... Microns are not really measurable....

    and over/under on whether or not Josh makes it to 21?

    Ha! (I am slowly jabbing people I think might have me on their ignore list.)

    It's not the size of the wand, it's the magic it is capable of.
  • haddon wrote: »
    Ha! (I am slowly jabbing people I think might have me on their ignore list.)

    It's not the size of the wand, it's the magic it is capable of.
    Actually don't have anyone on my ignore list...It's part of my employment contract... Methinks any magic you may have had has long since been squandered...
  • I'm am still very much in my prime, plus it looks bigger infected.
  • haddon wrote: »
    I'm am still very much in my prime, plus it looks bigger infected.

    I wish I'd have thought of this line before marriage.
  • At least you convinced a girl to marry you with an infected penis.
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