
I hate this time of the year... paying the government a chunk of cash so they can blow it on bullshit.

If anything gets my blood boiling more than anything its thinking about taxes.


  • I paid $39,177 over the course of the year and owe more. FML.

    I walked out of HR Block when they told me the news. I hate taxes, I hate being legit.

    I loathe paying for services I don't use. I rarely drive as I live 2 blocks from work. I drink therefore I cab for leisure. I don't get sick so I don't go to the hospital. I don't have kids in school. I have a knack at making money so I would never going on EI or Welfare ever ever ever.

    Fuck! I'm fuming now. Thanks.
  • My first official business is going to be shipping this thread back to the OTL-hell from whence it came... soon as I get the power to do so..until then 2kCC to anyone who posts pictures of sexy boobs in it...


  • I don't know how to do images...


  • haddon wrote: »
    I don't know how to do images...

    Just like my grandmother....

  • +1. Taxes bad. Boobies good!
  • Well whatever you do, don't do what I did and hide for a number of years and then try and get back on the grid. Don't do it. The welcome back party isn't as much fun as you might think it is. Even when you get everything dealt with, it can hurt. Try going for a mortgage and having lenders say "Wait, we asked for the last three years of taxes but these forms are all from last year" and you get to explain that you did a number of years of taxes all at once. Of course this results in the ensuing 'hmm, this guy's not trustworthy' looks. Anyhoo, pay 'em!! Death and taxes..... Can't avoid either.

    (*)(*) =+pasties.
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