I want casino money

Dammit....someone send me casino money, I keep getting it shipped out in blackjack. I have poor bankroll management.

Stakes please :) We can work out details....

Thanks in advance!!!


  • You have tits?
  • You have tits?

    No....although with the right surgery I could have by later this afternoon.

    Oh and I just ran my balance up to 5000 with my 1000 I got for posting this, so I am not totally pissed about not having casino money....but still will accept donations/stakes or if I have to show my boobs.....LOL
  • You get $1000 per post??

    They charge me $500 per post.
  • You get $1000 per post??

    They charge me $500 per post.
    If you are charged $500. per post what should Kristy be charged?
  • compuease wrote: »
    If you are charged $500. per post what should Kristy be charged?

    Are you kidding....she prints the stuff!
  • Are you kidding....she prints the stuff!
    Maybe Kristy can work a deal with the sugarplum girl for the Partypoker play chips?
  • I do know I'd like to sit in on those negotiations.
  • I do know I'd like to sit in on those negotiations.
    Maybe not too close though, there may be random splatter....
    Where's those lawn chairs and the damn cooler...? I'll take 2nd row.
  • I still have my splash suit from my days as a Gallagher fan. I'll take the action seat.

    Edit: Hey Blackmagicz, how do you like that thread jack? You asking for CC to a Gallagher reference in 10 posts. That has to be a record.

    Edit II : This is what happens when I open a bottle of wine for lunch and spend the aft downloading music.
  • Yeah I just noticed the threadjack...I was thinking now maybe this thread was being used to build up casino chips....LOL

    WEEEEEE another 100 chips...
  • hey....good idea.

    been done though
  • I sent you $1000... turn it into $100,000 and I will send you a million. You have 24 hours starting now ;)
  • I'm always willing to stake vulnerable men...errr I mean men who are running bad...

    if you'll just step into my private office and take off your top..I'm sure we can work something out.
  • I'd love to sit here and do this all day, but now I must off and meet my five year olds teacher. Make small talk about how good a kid he is and pretend I'm not half in the bag. I think my subconcious opened that Merlot.
  • So I had 5K and blew that now I am starting with the 1K Graham sent me...WOOHOOO
  • So I had 5K and blew that now I am starting with the 1K Graham sent me...WOOHOOO

    Stop cheating by posting ;)
  • I accept any staking offer for Casino Cash!
  • Ok that was total bullshit....

    I ended up chopping like 10 hands in a row....I swear Graham rigged it just to laugh at me....I am busto.......I hit 21x5 and the dealer chopped every time.....I even split 10s and got 20 and 20 and the dealer flipped up 10,5,6...>WTF.....

    I guess I have poor bankroll management skils as I was playing 50 bucks a hand....HAHAHAHA
  • I even split 10s

  • Ok that was total bullshit....

    I ended up chopping like 10 hands in a row....I swear Graham rigged it just to laugh at me....I am busto.......I hit 21x5 and the dealer chopped every time.....I even split 10s and got 20 and 20 and the dealer flipped up 10,5,6...>WTF.....

    I guess I have poor bankroll management skils as I was playing 50 bucks a hand....HAHAHAHA

    Just go take a seat on GTA's casting couch......he's got a new animation coming soon.
  • yeah should have remembered about the level 5 meta game for blackjack....DAMMIT I am so dumb...
  • yeah should have remembered about the level 5 meta game for blackjack....DAMMIT I am so dumb...

    This would be a perfect video for xtranormal... if you can make a funny one I'll send you 100k casino cash ;) Post in the xtranormal thread :)
  • That would be a sick run.

    I ran $5 up to like $290 in an hour with my buddy Rury who runs Siktilt.com - Coming Soon at Fitzgerald's in downtown Vegas. But 100x would be so nuts.
  • Graham wrote: »
    This would be a perfect video for xtranormal... if you can make a funny one I'll send you 100k casino cash ;) Post in the xtranormal thread :)

    I'll work on it tonight after work......
  • Do what I did... get $100k for an xtranormal video, and then run it up to $600k+ in blackjack! :D

    btw Graham, I love that you added the bigger chips! :) Anyway you can add a $5k, it takes too long to hit the $1k button 5 times.
  • CanadaDave wrote: »
    btw Graham, I love that you added the bigger chips! :) Anyway you can add a $5k, it takes too long to hit the $1k button 5 times.
    Methinks they will be asking for the bazzilion chip soon Graham... Runaway inflation on Pokerforum....
  • compuease wrote: »
    Methinks they will be asking for the bazzilion chip soon Graham... Runaway inflation on Pokerforum....

    For inflation to exist here... we would have needed to be able to purchase something before with Casino Cash that suddenly became more expensive... are you trying to say the Respect our casino chips got us, is harder to get now? :(
  • you are welcome :)
  • zunni74 wrote: »
    you are welcome :)

    Zunni rocks!! I got staked...hahahaha...off to degen myself at blackjack....and then comes the xnormal video.....lol
  • God I HATE THIS GAME....GOT UP TO 35K and then shipped it all back.....video coming shortly..
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