
So Health Canada has banned the e-cigarettes because they may be a health risk, but you can still by those much safer real cigarettes. ;)

Health Canada Advises Canadians Not to Use Electronic Cigarettes


  • Was there something between the lines that said "we must get our cut before they are healthy".
  • I can't believe I read that whole advisory???

    Must have been bored.

    Let's keep it real folks only use federally approved tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis products.

  • Standard stuff, really. They would post the same warning for, say, an energy drink from "X" that had not been thoroughly tested and approved. Not so much to do with tobacco, as it is to do with product safety and liability. If you use it, and it burns down your house (ie an unused one starts the fire), you're SOL in terms of insurance, etc. and have no remedy via the courts.

    Having said that, I am a firm believer that grown-ups can make their own decisions.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Not so much to do with tobacco, as it is to do with product safety and liability. If you use it, and it burns down your house (ie an unused one starts the fire), you're SOL in terms of insurance, etc. and have no remedy via the courts.

    Different department.

    I just find it funny that they mention the chemicals and yet cigarettes that have far more dangerous chemicals in them are sold with a mere Health Canada Warning :)
  • Persons importing, advertising or selling electronic cigarette products in Canada must stop doing so immediately. Health Canada is providing information to interested stakeholders on how to apply for the appropriate market authorizations and establishment licences.

    This was the only part that stood out in my eyes, as they are basically saying no one can advertise or sell these products until they register with the gov't so they can line their pockets from the import taxes, sales taxes, licence fee's and more than likely, a kickback from advertising dollars. LOL...gotta love a government who feels the need to get into every single pocket of every business. Bad enough they get your tax dollars, your retail licence fee's, your sales tax, your G.S.T (which, when i asked them why THEY get the G.S.T when it is ME providing the goods and service and not them, they had absolutely no answer LMAO) (I would love to see one of them pansy ass desk jockeys standing on a swingstage with me 40+ stories in the air on the side of a building. LMAO) Gotta love the government.
  • talk about excess taxes on products in Canada; when I was in Asia, local cigarettes cost about 25 cents Cdn a pack; you could buy US cigarettes for $1 Cdn a pack. My smoker friends were pretty happy when I brought back four cartons for them.
  • LOL..same thing in Venezuala, i was there for 2 weeks, and the resorts little "tuck shop" had my brand (John Player Special...aka "Black Death") but they had them in a "light", which isn't available in canada, so i bought every single carton in the store, 19 of them. Not even thinking of customs when i got home, so i called dear ole dad, had him meet me at customs and got me thru without any duty n taxes...Total ---19 cartons---$28 CDN
    So i say to the CDN Gov't....Put that in your pipe and smoke it!!! LMAO
  • ooops....make that $128 CDN
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