Poker Game in Richmond Hill

Hi There,

I am new to this forum. Just wondering if there are any kind poker games running in Richmond Hill area. I only want 100% legal games here.

Thanks in advance!





  • use to be a 1/2 on Sat nights but it disappeared. Nothing 'legal' except maybe some free bar tournaments near by. For 'legal' you need to head to one of the Ontario casinos.
  • Hi PokerAJH,

    Thanks for your reply. Actually, I checked this from varies sources and it's perfectly legal in Canada to host a gambling game in your home as long as you do not charge a fee or rake and everyone who plays has an equal chance of winning.

    This means you cannot have blackjack or roulette because of the house edge. But poker is perfectly fine.

    So, no action going on in Richmond Hill at all?? I see many views to my post but no one replies. If we can get enough people interested, perhaps someone can take an initiative and host the game??


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