Guelph Thursday (March 26)

Same as usual this week. The tournement style is working well, so i'll continue that. and this week i think i'll stick to my tall boys...i was fucking wasted last week! (sorry to anyone i've offended!)

If you dont know the structure, you can check my past posts..... :) sorry, i'm being lazy, but it's my bed time!!

1. Mark
2. keith(yep, laptop is cool to use)
3. adam
4. Haren (tent)
5. Cowboy
7. Aj
8 Jen


  • hmm...what's the deal guys? i go and post all early...and no one responds?!

    i'm j/k ..but serious..i kill you.
  • I'm out this week, unfortunately. May be able to drop by later if there is a cash game. Will call first.
  • I'm in if there is a game. Got a fantasy draft so hoping I can use the laptop again?
  • sorry.. i checked earlier.. just didn't post because i was in class.. but i'll be there.
  • alright...cowboy is coming tomorrow (he assures me) and he has an announcment??

    either he's won the lottery, or he's getting hitched.
    either way..i'd say this is a week not to miss! (ahem, jen...and tim!)

  • Aj and I will be there tonight for sure. I'm waiting to hear from Chris, Mike and Jet.

    FYI: Brian and I are having some people over Friday to watch the AWESOME basketball games, especially the one with Gonzaga and UNC!! Go Gonzaga! So you guys are welcome to come. Let me know!
  • game looks good tonight..haren is tent because he has to go to the hopefully he can make calls out to my brother as welll...
  • Go Gonzala!
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