Game 8 Sign Up

Just a reminder that if you haven't played this season yet, you can still get enough games in to qualify for the SET game. You need four regular season games to play the last tournament.

Who's ready to stop Darryl??

1 - AJ
2 - Keith
3 - Darryl
4 - Anthony
5 - Allan
6 - Kris
7 - Steve
8 -
9 -
10 -


  • In.

    Please remember to add the points from Saturday night.
  • In. Saturday night? How did the Mito tourney go, anyway?
  • Milo wrote: »
    In. Saturday night? How did the Mito tourney go, anyway?

    Coles Notes:

    - Ching Hill Dominates.
    - Lots of monies raised.
    - I make a mockery of those advocating poker is "skill".
    - Any given Elliot should never play a hand against me, regardless of how
    far ahead they are, and regarless of day of week.
    - Heads up with AJ for far too long.
    - Runned good.
  • Even shorter version?

    Darryl sucked out again.
  • Oh Christ. There'll be no living with him.

    AJ, lets move the game to my place this week. I guarantee that the PM with directions will "miss" Darryl somehow. :D
  • In all honesty, Darryl played very well...he HAD to in order to recoup all the buyins he made ;) Still, headsup went longer than it should have, and the monster stack kept being moved between us. It was getting late, and by that time, I lost all coherent thought and just called with bottom pair bad kicker.

    The Hill did dominate though, with three of us in the top four.

    Oh, and Milo, you forget...Darryl works for DHL. All he has to do is send an empty package and follow the truck to your door :D
  • Thats asking a lot of DHL . . . :o
  • I'm in; need points, lots of 'em...
  • Anyone else? Lots of seating available still. Hell, can't remember the last time I put up the second table. Need to come up with some kind of incentive to get more players out.
  • i should be there.

    might be late.
  • Got your seat for you Steve, hope you can make it.

    Still plenty of chairs left for anyone interested.
  • It was quite the struggle to make it to the payouts last night with myself, Darryl and Allan swapping stacks for the better part of three levels. In the end though it was Darryl and me headsup again, and this time, he got the better of it, his KJ over powering my K10.

    Great game everyone. Getting late, getting tired, so if there are any hands anyone wants to bring up, go right away. All I remember is my aces getting cracked by 22 only to flush up for me on the river SWEET! ;)

    Hope to see everyone out next week.
  • Apparently I got you right where you wanted me, AJ.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Apparently I got you right where you wanted me, AJ.

    All part of the Master Plan, Milo...dominate you one sec...give you hope the next...and then totally destroy you.

    Love it when a plan comes together
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