Oakville/Burl/Miss/Ham/Milton league interest?

I'm just throwing a feeler out there to see if there is any interest in having a 10 man 12-15 game poker season. I am currently in one with a group of friends but we've only had 3 games since November, it's really pathetic.

The way we have it set up is the season is 15 games long. You accumulate points each game and at the end of the season, the top 6 people in points get to play at a Final Table.

Each game cost $35 with $20 of that going towards that night's prize pool ($100/$60/$40) and the other $15 going towards the final table money. Everyone that makes it to the Final table get's paid.

The season is 15 games, however you only use 13 games for points (you get to throw away 2 games). In other words, you have 2 games of "grace". So if in game #5 you're first out, you get to throw that game away and not use it for the total.

Anyway, it seemed like a real fun concept and it still is but trying to get the guys all together for a game is nightmarish and has taken a lot of the fun out of it.

If I were ever to start another, it would have to be pre-scheduled.

Does anyone have any interest in joining something like this? It doesn't have to be the exact same way we do it, in fact, I guarantee many wouldn't care for the point system we are using but we can always come up with something different (ie. the Dr. Neau system).

I can host a few games but certainly not all. I also work 2 weeks of days and then 2 weeks of nights each month so whenever nightshift comes around, I would only be able to play Sat or Sun (evenings preferably)


  • You won't find enough players here, but try going to PIRANHA's next home game. There were a bunch of players there that wanted to have a rake-free league for the WPT NAPC, but were just short a couple of players.
    Muddguts wrote: »
    I'm just throwing a feeler out there to see if there is any interest in having a 10 man 12-15 game poker season.
  • Id be interested in playing in a league and I live in the Oakville area. I have a few other buddies that would be interested in playing if your looking for players. PM me the details if you still need people to play.
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