Game 7; Second half of Season

Finally get to start the second half of the season this week. Seem to take awhile this year.

Darryl is holding onto a comfortable lead, but its not too far out of reach for anyone to take it away from him yet.

Also remember, you need a minimum of 4 regular season games to qualify to play the SET game, so if you haven't been out recently, its time to come play some poker!!

Who's In??

1 - AJ
2 - Keith
3 - Darryl
4 - Anthony
5 - Kris
6 - Allan
7 - Chris
8 -
9 -
10 -


  • Will be there...
  • Lots of room still open. Sign up asap if you want in pls.
  • found some money in my trunk (while i was looking for dead hookers). i'll put said money in my wOllit until such time as I can give it to u.

  • I'm in....
  • Any more coming out? Let me know, I'll bring the chairs in to warm up ;)
  • looks like i am out. if anything changes i will call
  • It was Darryl and me headsup tonight, the first time since last season I believe, and after doubling up on Kris, then taking Chris out in third, I had a respectable chip stack to go into heads up play. Last hand had Darryl pushing on a 246 with two spades after I had raised it. I called for some unknown reason with A2diamonds, and Darryl shows K2spades. The spade draw didn't happen by some miracle and I took down the game.

    Good game all. See you next week.
    Darryl, I'll PM that address to you on Friday.
  • Congrats AJ. If you have the time, e-mail that link we discussed this weekend, okay? And good luck at Bill's Saturday night.
  • I'll send it to you later this afternoon Anthony, and thanks.

    Just hope the rush pans out for tomorrows' game too. Man, I was hitting cards last night...almost forgot what it was like to win a pot.
  • What's a pot? I have got to get off this donkey-wagon I've been riding lately. So much easier to just stay home and set fire to my buy-in lately . . . at least I'd save on gas. I'll look for the e-mail later, then. Thanks again, AJ.
  • Congrats on the win AJ.
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