These kids tilt me off my f*&^ing rocker


These kids are currently destroying a shopping cart outside my window.

a) We pay for that shit as part of the over head when purchasing items at a store.

b) Where are their god damn parents?

c) Why don't they have real toys?

Beat: I live white-trash adjacent :(
Variance: Level of fist shaking req'd to remove said punks from my extended lawn? Suggestions on this welcome.


  • also, there's got to be a 'brag' in there, but I don't see it...thoughts?
  • lol, 2 times in 10 minutes you have cheered me up Kristy.

    suggestion=go out there with your belt and give em a whooping:)
  • brag:got to release my poker bad beat stress by yelling out the window at them:)

    Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    also, there's got to be a 'brag' in there, but I don't see it...thoughts?
  • 1. Open your window
    2. Shout out for Ricky and Bubbles.
    3. Film altercation
    4. Sell film
    5. Profit
  • cadillac wrote: »
    1. Open your window
    2. Shout out for Ricky and Bubbles.
    3. Film altercation
    4. Sell film
    5. Profit


    They're still bloody at it! Fvck these little bastards.

    At least I know they'll all end up performing low end labour with too many kids and ugly wives that hate them..someday.

    Edit: just looked out my window..1hr of laying the boots to this cart and it isn't dented and still has wheels. Sick beat Kids! 78lb weaklings4lyfe
  • One of two ways to do this.

    Go out there with a chainsaw or sledgehammer, tell them what a bunch of pussies they are, and show them the proper way of commiting mayhem and wanton destruction. This will cement your reputation as being
    a) cool, and
    b) batshit crazy, do not under ANY circumstances fuck with the lady in 3B.

    Go out there with your camera and explain the whole, "Tits, or GTFO" thread to them, and invite them to join. You may end up on a registry somewhere . . .
  • You gotta fight white trash, white trash style - you throw an empty beer at them to get their attention and then yell at them that there is no money in swiping shopping carts for scrap. Suggest they go rip off a transformer station for copper.

    Either they are successful and get the money to move upscale or natural selection takes place and they fry themselves.
  • Ah yes. Let the Darwin awards race take them out.

    make sure to tell them that as long as they are holding any 2 wires at the same time they are safe.
  • As in poker, any two will do, right?
  • Milo wrote: »
    As in poker, any two will do, right?

    damn, now you know how I play...
  • Brag: the false sense of superiority

  • g2 wrote: »
    Brag: the false sense of superiority


    Meh, muddled & overtly contradicting..c-

    You need to practice more, you're slipping.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Meh, muddled & overtly contradicting..c-

    You need to practice more, you're slipping.

    [x] intended

  • obviously, but unfunny for it..despite intentions.

    your last post is a c+, I could have given you a b if you'd included an unchecked

    [ ] you're not a slunt that I hope dies in a fire.

    option...or something of the like.
  • Well, you have a few options...

    [ ] Call The Cops
    [x] Buy a Paintball Gun
    [ ] Talk to them
    [ ] Do Nothing and Remain Tilted

    You decide ;)
  • Graham missed a few...

    [ ] go out and get one of those baby sized shopping carts and deliver it to them
    [ ] get a bow and arrow
    [ ] scream at them in another language until they get confused and run away*

    *other language can be gibberish, because anyone who can't destory a shopping cart in < 1hr is too dumb to know the difference.
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