Green Beer Deepstack

Saw there is a deepstack tourney at the Yellowhead in Edmonton on Tuesday the 17th @ 5pm for St. Paddy's day......$200+ buyin I think.


  • I saw that tourney Corey, I''m thinkin about hittin it up if I have a good weekend.
  • Link??????
  • haddon wrote: »

    They don't have it posted on their website...they do these for any kind of holliday.....usually get a big turnout (130 - 150)
  • schabs wrote: »
    I saw that tourney Corey, I''m thinkin about hittin it up if I have a good weekend.

    Got my pool team to reschedule our match for I'll be playing for sure.
  • gl to you all!

    Please post a trip report if possible.
  • haddon wrote: »

    Went and paid this morning.....99 paid so far, taking 121 (probably more I think)....and they take reserves for this.

    Got a copy of the blind schedule for anyone interested.

    Patience Factor: 26.33
    Skill Level: 6

    15000 chips for $200+$10
    2000 optional for $10

    1/2 hr blinds
    25 - 50
    50 - 100
    75 - 150
    100 - 200
    200 - 400
    300 - 600
    400 - 800
    500 - 1000
    700 - 1500
    1000 - 2000
    1500 - 3000
    2000 - 4000
    3000 - 6000
    4000 - 8000
    5000 - 10000
    7000 - 15000
    10000 - 20000
  • Here's a rundown on the event yesterday (today).

    Action started @ 5pm with the maximum 132 players (12 tables x 11). They were accepting reserve list and 're-entries' until the first break (2hrs). Final count turned out to be 154, paying out the final 15 players.

    I was seated at what I would label a 'tough table'. Knew most of the players, and most would not part with their chips without a little help. My initial analysis was correct, as we didn't bust our first player until the last hand before the break....2 hours.

    1st Round (levels 1-4):
    Had no big hands, either preflop or post...lost a few thousand to someone hitting their flush vs. Top Top.
    Chip Count: $14000'ish, avg = $20000, 132 still alive

    2nd Round (levels 5-8):
    With blinds now at 200-400 (doubling from previous round), action should be heating up. Again, no notable hands.....had A's once, everyone folded. Got caught trying to steal a pot (can't remember details) which brought me down to 8000-9000 range, but was able to build it back up a little.
    Chip Count: $11900, avg = $24000, 105 in (FACK!!...not doing well)

    3rd Round (levels 9-12):
    The double up....blinds @ 1500-3000, I'm sitting in the BB (13000 chips)with K7Soooooooted. Folded around to the uberaggressive button (30000), who proceeds to I'm soooooooted.....I snap call. Flop comes down K29 with two hearts.....I check, uber insta pushed all-in.....I call even quicker. He shows A5 heart or A comes. Pick up a couple other big hands that get paid.....good level.
    Chip Count: $65000, avg = $45000, 60 in

    4th Round (levels 13 - 16):
    Biggest elimination level...everybodies getting whacked. No hands for the first couple levels, at 3000-6000, I attempt to steal blinds in late position with A7 off....oops.....raise to 16000, button jams for 38000.....I actually instacalled, as I was thinking it was only 10000 more (fack). I then realize my mistake, lose the bad race (Q's) against tight player, and am down to 17000 just like that.
    Few hands later it comes back...utg+1 raises to 19000 another LAG.....have QK soooted, so I price myself in.....button then reshoves getting LAG I'm getting 3.5 / 1 and only have to beat one's...pocket Q's again. Someone says something about folding a of course...bam.....King on the flop...back to 60K. People dropping like the blinds escalate. Down to 3 tables.....down to 2 tables....close to the bubble....bubble bursts. Basically, Just maintained stack...down to 15.

    Chip Count: $75000, avg = $175000, 15 left

    5th Round:
    My table is sitting 7-handed....blinds @ 10000 - 20000.....I pick up Q8 in the BB...everyone folds to the Bigstacked SB...he calls, I tap the table. Flop comes 7-9-10 with 2 spades. SB goes all-in.....I call...he shows 2 6 Spades....sweet, I'm dodging instead of catching. 3d turn, 6c river = double up. Lost a couple guys, down to 12 handed....I chipped up somewhere, pushing on limpers I think....sitting about 300000 on this hand. Blinds 15000 - 30000 (6-handed)...bigstack (500,000) to my right opens for 90000 under the gun when I pick up A's. I try to calculate how to get all my chips in, and I decide to move all-in, as he's shown capable of calling huge raises with mediocre holdings. He takes about 5 minutes, then folds, telling me a story of AJ. An elimination at the other table puts us at the final table 11-handed.

    Final Table:
    Chip count: $430,000, avg = $238,000, 11 left
    with blinds sitting at 15,000 - 30,000 still, it's mostly push / fold poker. Pickup AJ on the button...short-stacks in the blinds (sb 90000, bb 60000), I grab a whack of greens (10,000 chip) and drop them in the pot. SB calls tabling A9, BB folds hoping to move up the money ladder? I take down the pot, and we're down to 10.

    Few more guys get eliminated, blinds capped @ 25,000 - 50,000, 6 people left. I'm in middle position, and find my nemesis hand, Ac7h, and not remembering my earlier crippling hand, raise to 125,000 (350,000 behind)....the old bigstack from the other table is now not so big, but still calls, with about 200,000 in reserve. Flop comes down As Kd 9d with 2 diamonds. I jam all-in, hoping for the instafold.....instead I get the instacall (Phack!!). As it turns out, I'm marginally ahead when he shows me 10J of diamond for a monster draw. No delay in this one, Q on the turn to give him the nuts, and the rivered Q of diamonds just for good measure and a straight flush.

    My next BB I pick up AdKd, UTG limps.....folds to small blind who is talked into calling by the limper, and I of course jam for 150,000......UTG snap calls with 33, SB folds....K on the flop and its back to 350,000. Slowly the players are eliminated, and we're down to 4 players. I have about 350 still, and pick up 39off in the BB, folded to SB who limps and we see a flop. 3 10 bets min 50000, I call.....turn 9 (sweet)....SB dumps all-in (just has me covered), I ponder for a minute to make sure I'm not missing something then call......he shows AA (lol)...brick on the river and I double up to 700,000, good for 2nd in chips. After a little more play, one more player was eliminated, and we're down to 3. One guy with 1.5 Mil, and me and the other guy with 500G......we work out a chop and it's over (and it's 5:30 AM.......fucking tired)

    I pick up $4500 + a satellite ticket worth $200.00 that was reserved for the top 2 finishers.

    12.5 hrs is by far the longest I've played in one tourney in one day. Work came very early this morning.
  • Yellowhead is having another deepstack easter weekend (can't remember which day). I believe it's a $300.00+ buy-in this time.

    I'll update once I get the particulars.
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