2 more shootings in Vancouver.

Wow, vpd found two more bodies in an apartment in Vancouver on the East Side this morning. People used to call Van a shooting gallery for different reasons. That city is seriously falling apart at the seems. Beautiful place, but wow...The bodies just keep piling up.


  • Once the turf war is over, it'll calm down some, I'm betting. Bad for business, right?
  • Malton > Vancouver for murder per capita.

    I also challenge anyone to find a more unsafe St. in Canada than Driftwood Ave.
  • You talking Jane&Finch driftwood, or is there one in Malton too?

    I think Saskatoon won for most crime filled city. Bored much there?
  • Main & Hastings in Vancouver.

    AKA Pain & Wasting.

    Ground is usually crunchy with dirty needles.
  • Yes - J&F Driftwood.

    Although Main/Hastings is solid.

    A crackwhore voyeurs delight.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Yes - J&F Driftwood.

    Although Main/Hastings is solid.

    A crackwhore voyeurs delight.

    Hey, there's a street named after me near Driftwood. It's only that bad because it's so close to York U.

    You know what they used to say, if you can't go to university, go to York.
  • fu, i went to York lol
  • I worked @ Jane/Steeles for about 5 years after graduation.

    We used to have to do "Community Service" twice a year in Driftwood.

    Used Condoms and Needles, FTW.
  • actyper wrote: »
    fu, i went to York lol

    It shows in your command of the language. :D
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Yes - J&F Driftwood.

    Although Main/Hastings is solid.

    A crackwhore voyeurs delight.

    Come on Wetts.. Driftwoods a great community, are you telling me you wouldn't walk the streets of that area late at night with a couple buyins in your back pocket? LOL
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    A crackwhore voyeurs delight.

    this thread is useless without pics
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    this thread is useless without pics
    Can't find a pic but I can assure you it is a very rough area, especially after the sun goes down. I headed a team that did a bank job at that corner (Royal Bank) around 1998 or 99. We didn't finish until around 11pm. The customer (RB) arranged for police to meet us there when we finished and escorted us to our cars.... How can people really live like that?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    this thread is useless without pics

    My bad.

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